The payment of Pension/ Family Pension through Public Sector Banks – Issue of Cheque Books, accepting standing instructions from the Pensioners/ Family Pensioners.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Pension Branch
Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata – 1
No. 433-F(Pen) dated 07.07.2011
Sub: The payment of Pension/ Family Pension through Public Sector Banks – Issue of Cheque Books, accepting standing instructions from the Pensioners/ Family Pensioners.
The matter of transfer of fund from Pension Accounts to other Savings Bank Accounts of the same branch of the Bank and also extending the benefit of cheque to the State Government Pensioners as Government of India has also extended such benefits to its Pensioners’/ Family Pensioners.
Now, after careful consideration of the matter, the Governor has been pleased to decide that on getting standing instructions from the Pensioners/ Family Pensioners the Public Sector Banks shall transfer funds from Pension Account to other Savings Accounts of the Pensioners in the same branch of the Bank and the Pensioner/ Family Pensioner shall be allowed Cheque Books facility to draw pension from the Bank. It will not be necessary to make it compulsory for a Pensioner/ Family Pensioner to come personally to Bank’s Office to withdraw the amount of his/ her Pension/ Family Pension every month but it shall be mandatory to produce Life Certificate in the month of November every year as per Annexure – VI, vide rule 5(3) of West Bengal Treasury Rules, 2005.
Sd/- Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal