
Utsashree – where a single teacher is available for a particular subject

School Education, 👁️ 372

It is observed that a considerable numbers of teachers particularly in Higher Secondary Section where a single teacher is available to teach particular subject are not able to get opportunity for transfer through Utsashree portal.

Government of West Bengal
Directorate of School Education
Bikash Bhavan, 7th Floor
Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700091

Memo. No. 66(25)-CSE/2021 Dated: 22.09.2021

The DI of Schools (SE), All

It is observed that a considerable numbers of teachers particularly in Higher Secondary Section where a single teacher is available to teach particular subject are not able to get opportunity for transfer through Utsashree portal. In some cases such teachers are in dire need of transfer but failed due to such provision.

The issue has been examined in the Department. Till such time suitable amendment in Sub-rule 2(6) of Rule 6 of WBSSC (General Transfer, Transfer on Special Grounds and Reallocation) Rules, 2015 is not made, in order to provide some relief to the intending teachers within the framework of law, a working arrangement may be made at the level of DI/s (SE) as follows:

In the event a single subject teacher makes application for transfer, the SMC will not reject the application and will inform the DI(SE) about such application. The DI(SE) will immediately discuss the matter with the CSI. In fit cases, the DI(SE) will take urgent step in time bound manner to search for a teacher on the same subject from nearby schools and make local arrangement so that the teacher of the other school attends the school wherefrom the teacher concerned has applied for transfer on limited days of the week on a temporary basis till such time a permanent teacher on that subject joins. The DI will inform such arrangement to the CSE who shall inform the matter to the Chairman, WBCSSC, President, WBBSL and School Education Department. CSE will ensure such arrangements in 7 days time immediately. The DI will communicate such arrangement to the school concerned and the HOI in question will forward the application of the teacher to the DI(SE). The DI(SE) will then forward the case to the WBCSSC for consideration. WBCSSC will suitably recommend the case for transfer to the WBBSE and the Board will issue transfer order accordingly.

You are accordingly requested to take necessary action in this regard including immediate sensitization of all HOIs on the above matter.

Commissioner of School Education
West Bengal

No. 66-CSE dated 22.09.2021, Source

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