
WBIFMS Mobile App for Employees, Pensioners and Public Users


Governor is pleased to introduce the WBiFMS Mobile App for Users of the State Government and also for State Government Employees, Wage-Earners, Pensioners, recipient of various scholarships etc. and Public Users.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 1533-F(Y) Dated 7th March 2019


Sub: Introduction of WBiFMS Mobile App for Employees, Pensioners and Public Users

The Finance Department has undertaken various initiatives to provide Services in a more user-friendly, paperless and efficient manner to the users and the stakeholders of WBiFMS ). The introduction of a Mobile Application for further improving user experience and convenience in accessing WBiFMS has been under active consideration of the State Government.

2. Now, the Governor is pleased to introduce the WBiFMS Mobile App as a mobile platform for the WBiFMS Users of the State Government like Departments, Directorates, Regional and Field Offices, DDOs, Treasuries and also for State Government Employees, Wage-Earners, Pensioners, recipient of various scholarships disbursed through various administrative departments and parastatals and Public Users. The access to facilities and functionalities available in the WBiFMS Mobile App is based on the roles assigned in the WBiFMS Web Application/ Portal.

3. A summary of key services available in the WBiFMS Mobile App are listed in ANNEXURE-A.

4. The procedure for registering as a User in the WBiFMS Mobile App and its usage is illustrated at ANNEXURE-B.

5. This is issued with immediate effect.

Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Additional Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department


A summary of key services available in the WBiFMS Mobile App is stated below

Key services for iFMS Users:

i. To view the Budget allocation, Budget distribution & utilisation at the level of Department, Sub-Allotting Officer, Drawing and Disbursing Officer (DDO)
ii. To view Head of Accounts wise total collection of the revenues of the State Government
iii. To view specific Scheme wise payment details (Ex- Kanyashree, Rupashree, Khadyasathi, etc.)
iv. To view Sub-Allotment of Fund
v. To view the latest five Allotments pending for Sub-Allotment
vi. To view last five Allotments received
vii. To view DDO wise Allotment consumption details
viii. To view Age-wise Pending Bill status in a Treasury/PAO
ix. To view Un-adjusted Advance Bill details in a Treasury/PAO
x. To view Status of Monthly Accounts Submission by Treasuries/PAO

Key services for HRMS/eSE Users:

i. To apply and approve Casual, Earned, Commuted, Half Pay Leave
ii. To submit Station Leave application
iii. To submit Joining Report
iv. To apply and approve GPF Advance
v. To view Status of Leave and Loan application
vi. To view Leave and Loan balance
vii. To view Pay Slip, IT Statement, Last Pay Certificate
viii. To view Status of Self Appraisal Report

Key services for Pensioners:

i. To view Life Certificate Submission status
ii. To view component wise Pension
iii. To view TDS

Key services for Public Users:

i. To view Payment received by individual concerned
ii. To view Status of Government Receipt Number (GRN) in GRIPS
iii. To view Stamp Balance of various denominations available in Treasuries
iv. To view component of Wages of various contractual/ temporary staff in offices


The procedure for registering as a User in the WBiFMS Mobile App and its usage

1. The WBiFMS Mobile App can be installed on any Android or iOS smartphone.

2. The WBiFMS Mobile App will be available on Google Playstore and iOS Appstore. To install the App, you may search “WBiFMS” Mobile App published by “WB Finance Department”. The direct link of the App on Google Playstore is com.wb.wbifms.app. The App can also be accessed from any Internet Browser (like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc) on the link .

3. After installation, open the App on the smartphone and register yourself as the User based on your applicable Login option i.e. either as iFMS/HRMS/eSE user or Pensioner or Public.

4. (i) Login as iFMS/HRMS/eSE User: To use the App, you need to ‘Sign Up’ in the WBiFMS Mobile App by providing your Mobile No. registered in the WBiFMS Portal for the concerned Module of iFMS or eSE, four digit numeric MPIN of your choice, Security Question. To verify the Mobile No. during Sign Up an OTP shall be sent to that Mobile No. After successful registration in the App you shall be asked to add iFMS or eSE User ID and Password which is assigned to you in the WBiFMS Web Portal. An OTP will be sent to that Mobile No. which is registered to access the concerned Module of the WBiFMS Web Portal for adding such User ID & Role in the App. Adding different User IDs & Roles in the App is a one-time activity. To access the iFMS/HRMS/eSE features thereafter you shall be required to login with your chosen MPIN every time.

4. (ii) Login as Pensioners: If you desire to avail the facilities provided to Pensioners on the WBiFMS App, you need to link your Mobile No. with PPO ID first, if not already linked. To link the Mobile No. with PPO ID, you need to visit your pension drawing Treasury/Pension Disbursement Office and to submit an application to the Treasury Officer/Additional Treasury Officer/Pension Disbursement Officer requesting to link your Mobile No. with your PPO ID(s) under e-Pradan Module of WBiFMS. On such linking by the Treasury Officer/Additional Treasury Officer/Pension Disbursement Officer, you shall be able to register yourself in the WBiFMS App using such Mobile No. For accessing your pension related information from the App, an OTP will be sent to your Mobile No. linked with your PPO ID at the time of login for necessary verification.

4. (iii) Login as Public Users: If you are a Beneficiary of any State Govt Schemes or Stamp Vendor attached with any Treasury(s) of the State Government or a Wage Earner under State Government or have made any transaction through Government Receipt Portal System (GRIPS) and desire to view status/information in WBiFMS then you can register yourself in the App as Public User with your Mobile No.

No. 1533-F dated 07.03.2019, Source, Download App from PlayStore