
Web-socket based Digital Signature Certificate in IFMS

Finance, , 👁️ 877

The new Web-Socket based D-Sign allows authentication of data by multiple users as well as signing of documents. It also minimizes dependency on the Internet Browser and incorporate multiple signatories on the same document.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 7791-F(Y) Dated, 17th December, 2018


Sub: Introduction of Web-socket based Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) in IFMS

The matter of improving the user experience in IFMS has been under active consideration of the Government since sometime past. The ease of use of DSC in IFMS is an integral part of the user experience and the adoption of latest DSC technologies in replacement of the current Applet based D-Sign has been examined in detail. Accordingly, the Governor is pleased to introduce Web-Socket based D-Sign for use in different Modules and Sub-Modules of IFMS. The new Web-Socket based D-Sign allows authentication of data by multiple users as well as signing of documents. It also minimizes dependency on the Internet Browser and incorporate multiple signatories on the same document.

2. To switch over from Applet based D-Sign to Web-Socket based D-Sign platform in IFMS, “IFMS Signer” File is required to be downloaded and installed in the users’ PC/ Laptop. The file is available for download from E-Mudhra (DSC service provider) Portal (http://wbtickets.emudhra.com/login) upto 31st December, 2018 without registration in “WB ticketing system” in E-Mudhra Portal. Thereafter the “IFMS Signer” File may be downloaded by only registered users of “WB ticketing system” in E-Mudhra Portal or temporarily from Portal of SRMS of the WBA&AS Officers (http://wbaasprofile.gov.in/). State’s E-Pension Portal, (https://wbepension.gov.in/) & Finance Department’s website (http://www.wbfin.nic.in/).

The steps to download “IFMS Signer” File are as follows:

i) Login at http://wbtickets.emudhra.com/login

ii) In the Dashboard, click on “Download”.

iii) Click on “IFMS Signer – Setup files.Zip File” to download the “IFMS Signer” file.

3. In case of any issue faced during downloading/ installation of “IFMS Signer” File, etc., the IFMS registered Users have to create a Ticket through “WB ticketing system” in e-Mudhra Portal after 1st time registration. Detailed guidelines for installation of “IFMS Signer” File and Registration & Create Ticket (“Contact us”) procedure of “WB ticketing system” are available in User Manual under “Guidelines” Tab of IFMS Portal.

4. The process of downloading and installation of “IFMS Signer” File should be completed by each DSC user of IFMS in his /her PC/Laptop latest by 31st December, 2018.

5. The existing Dongle containing the IFMS User’s DSC will continue to work in IFMS and no new procurement of DSC has to be made by the IFMS User to switch to Web-socket based D-Sign. However, it shall not work in IFMS unless “IFMS Signer” File is downloaded and installed properly in the IFMS User’s PC/ Laptop.

6. This order will take immediate effect.

Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Additional Chief Secretary
to the Government of West Bengal

No. 7791-F dated 17.12.2018, Source

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