Government of West Bengal
Department of Agriculture
No. 2224-Estab(Dte)/12A-18/2005(Part-I) Dated: 29.06.2009.
In exercise of the power conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India and in partial modification of all previous notifications on the subject mutatis mutandis, the Governor is pleased to make the following rules integrating the existing posts in the West Bengal Agricultural Service (Administrative Wing), the West Bengal Higher Agricultural Service (Administrative Wing), Grade-I & Grade-II and the Ex-cadre posts of Additional Directors and Project Co-coordinator & ex officio Additional Director (Administrative Wing) under the Department of Agriculture, Government of West Bengal and the recruitment thereto:-
1. These rules may be called the West Bengal Agricultural Service (Administration) Rules, 2009.
They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Kolkata Gazette, extraordinary.
Constitution of Cadres
2. The members of the West Bengal Agricultural Service (Administration) is constituted by way of amalgamation of the following service:-
(I) The West Bengal Agricultural Service (Administrative Wing).
(II) The West Bengal Higher Agricultural Service (Administrative Wing) Grade-I.
(III) The West Bengal Higher Agricultural Service (Administrative Wing) Grade-II.
(IV) The Ex-cadre posts of Additional Directors and Project Co-coordinator & ex officio Additional Director (Administrative Wing) under the Department of Agriculture.
3. The West Bengal Agricultural Service (Administration) shall consists of the following categories of posts:-
(I) The posts of Assistant Director of Agriculture.
(II) The posts of Deputy Director of Agriculture.
(III) The posts of Joint Director of Agriculture.
(IV) The posts of Additional Director of Agriculture and Project Co-ordinator & ex officio Additional Director of Agriculture.
The method of and the qualifications required for recruitment to the posts shall be as follows:-
1. (A) Name or the posts: Assistant Director of Agriculture.
(B) Method of recruitment: By selection (direct recruitment) through Public Service Commission, West Bengal.
(C) Qualifications:
Essential: A Bachelor Degree in Agriculture with four years Degree Course from a recognized University/Institute.
Desirable: Knowledge of Agricultural condition in West Bengal.
(D) Age: Not more than 32 years on the 1st day of January of the year of the advertisement.
2. (A) Name or the posts: Deputy Director of Agriculture.
(B) Method of recruitment: By transfer from the confirmed Officers holding the posts of Assistant Director of Agriculture.
3. (A) Name of the posts: Joint Director of Agriculture.
(B) Method of recruitment: By transfer from the confirmed Officers holding the posts of Deputy Director of Agriculture.
4. (A) Name of the posts: Additional Director of Agriculture and Project Co-ordinator & ex officio Additional Director of Agriculture.
(B) Method of recruitment: By transfer from the confirmed Officers holding the posts of Joint Director of Agriculture.
The seniority rules applicable to the members of the West Bengal Agricultural Service (Administration) shall be as follows:-
(I) The inter se seniority of the members of the West Bengal Agricultural Service (Administration) shall be the same inter se seniority as was existing between them under the former rules and amendments thereof on the date of coming into force of these rules/amendments.
(II) The seniority of members of the West Bengal Agricultural Service (Administration) recruited subsequent to the constitution of this service, shall be in the order of merit contained in the list issued by the State Public Service Commission recommending their appointment in the West Bengal Agricultural Service (Administration). All the members so recruited to this service shall be junior to the junior most member of the said service on the date of coming into force of these rules.
By order of the Governor,
Secy. to the Govt. of West Bengal.
No. 2224-Estab dated 29.06.2009
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