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West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992

Correctional Services, 👁️ 220

An Act to amend and consolidate the law relating to prisons and persons detained therein in West Bengal. Establishment of different categories of correctional home, Functions of correctional homes.

Government of West Bengal
Law Department

No. 1550-L Dated: 13th June, 1997


West Bengal Act XXXII of 1992

  1. Preliminary
  2. Establishment of different categories of correctional home
  3. Functions of correctional homes
  4. Administration of correctional homes
  5. Administration of prisoners
  6. Delivery of prisoners
  7. Classification of prisoners
  8. Advisory Boards
  9. Visitors
  10. Care and treatment of prisoners
  11. Educational facilities
  12. Hygiene and sanitary arrangements
  13. Medical administration and medical care
  14. Recreation
  15. Letters, interviews and interrogations
  16. Labour and wages in correctional home
  17. Remission, Release and Parole
  18. Transfer prisoners
  19. Female prisoners
  20. Condemned Prisoners
  21. Criminal and non-criminal lunatics
  22. Under-trial prisoners
  23. Special provisions for Division I prisoners
  24. Prisoners’ attendance in courts
  25. Rights of prisoners
  26. Offences and punishment
  27. Probation and after-care services
  28. Open correctional homes
  29. Prisoners’ Panchayat
  30. Miscellaneous provisions

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