
West Bengal Health Recruitment Board

Health, 👁️ 437

The West Bengal Health Recruitment Board (WBHRB) is responsible for selecting and recommending candidates for direct recruitment to posts permanent or temporary for which the appointing authority is the Government in the Department of Health & Family Welfare and authority subordinate to the Governor.

Department of Health & Family Welfare
Swasthya Bhavan
GA Branch, 5th Floor,
GN-29, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700 091.

No. HF/O/GA/2378/2E-04/11 Pt.I Kolkata, the 1st August, 2012.


WHEREAS, the Department of Health & Family Welfare is committed to provide proper delivery of health care services on a 24 x 7 basis to all citizens of the state through the different directorates/ institutions and establishments under its control,

AND WHEREAS, it is observed that the delivery system has not been functioning at the desired level owing to shortage of medical/para medical personnel and other staff belonging to various categories at different levels,

AND WHEREAS, it is found that there always remains a considerable time-gap between the requisition of staff and officers for the department and the receipt of recommendations of selected candidates for filling up the vacant posts from the Public Service Commission, West Bengal,

AND WHEREAS, it is felt that if a Recruitment Board is constituted for direct recruitment to all categories of posts for which the appointing authority is the Government in the Department of Health & Family Welfare, including the authorities subordinate to the Governor excepting those cadre posts of the Secretariat of the Health & Family Welfare Department and the Directorate for which the cadre controlling authorities are the Departments other than the Health & Family Welfare Department, through a statutory body in the name and style “West Bengal Health Recruitment Board”, delinking aforesaid posts from the purview of Public Service Commission, West Bengal by way of making regulations under the proviso to clause (3) of Article 320 of the Constitution of India, the delivery system will run more effectively and smoothly,

Now, therefore, the Governor is pleased to accord sanction to the constitution of “West Bengal Health Recruitment Board” for Health & Family Welfare Department, Government of West Bengal for the above purposes in the manner as detailed hereinunder:


i) CHAIRMAN – A government servant with the grade pay not less than the grade pay of an officer in the rank of a Special Secretary, serving or retired (age limit 62 years) with expertise in Administration/ Finance/Public Health/Medicine/Law and Labour Department The Chairman will act as the Chief Executive Officer of the Board.

ii) PERMANENT MEMBERS – There shall be three members – (i) The first member must be a serving or retired officer with grade pay not less than the grade pay paid to the officer in the rank of Joint Secretary, (ii) The Second Member who should be a serving/retired officer with grade pay not less than the grade pay paid to the Officer in the rank of Joint Secretary, (iii) Third member may be nominated by the government in accordance with prescribed guidelines. They will be required to have expertise similar to that of the Chairman.

iii) In addition to above three Members, the Board may co-opt additional member not below the rank of Joint Secretary nominated by the departments of Backward Classes Welfare, Minority Affairs & Madrasah Education, Women & Child Development and Social Welfare of Government of West Bengal, as may be required.

B) Staff and Officers of the Board-

The West Bengal Health Recruitment Board shall have the following staff, viz –

i) Secretary – There shall be one post of Secretary of the Board to be filled up from the officers of the WBCS (Executive) in the rank of Deputy Secretary (having at least 20 yea;s of service in the Pay Band-48 with Grade Pay of Rs. 7,600/-) or above.

ii) Deputy Secretary – There shall be two Deputy Secretaries to be filled up from the State Government officers with two years’ service in the Pay Band-4A with Grade Pay of Rs. 6,600/- or above.

iii) Law Officer (One) – From the West Bengal Legal Service

iv) Accounts Officer (One) – From the West Bengal Audit and Accounts Service

v) Manager Database (One) – In the Pay Band- 4 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4,400/-

vi) Head Clerk – 1 (One)In usual pay scales
vii) Upper Division Assistant/Accountant – 5 (Five)
viii) Lower Division Assistant – 4 (Four)
ix) Stenographer – 2 (Two)
x) Data Entry Operator – 2 (Two)
xi) Record Keeper – 2 (Two)
xii) Group-D – 7 (Seven)

2. All the officers and staff as mentioned above will be provided by the state government and their pay, service conditions, etc. will be guided by state government rules, orders, etc.


  1. The WEST BENGAL HEALTH RECRUITMENT BOARD (WBHRB) contained hereinabove will be responsible for selecting and recommending candidates for direct recruitment to posts permanent or temporary for which the appointing authority is the Government in the Department of Health & Family Welfare and authority subordinate to the Governor. Posts of the Secretariat of Health & Family Welfare Department and the posts of Head Quarter of the Directorates under Health & Family Welfare Department or any other posts or services will be excluded by issuing separate notification(s). The existing recruitment rules for each category of the posts will remain valid mutatis mutandis until further order and the WBHRB will select candidates as per these recruitment rules.
  2. If the state government is of the opinion that the WBHRB has failed to discharge its function in accordance with the provisions of this notification, the government by an order to be published in Kolkata Gazette and stating the reason thereof, may dissolve the Board with effect from such date as may be specified in the order and establish an interim mechanism to discharge the functions of the Board.
  3. The state government may at any time after the dissolution of the Board, reconstitute the Board in accordance with the provision of this Resolution. The Board, on reconstitution, will start functioning with immediate effect and will continue until further order.
  4. This is deemed to have modified/superseded all orders issued in this regard.
  5. This Notification is issued with the approval of the Finance Department vide UO No. 1890 Gr. ‘P’ (Service) Dated 06.06.2011 read with UO No. 2376 Gr. ‘P’ (Service) Dated 29.09.2011.
  6. On publication of a Regulation exempting consultation with the ‘West Bengal Public Service Commission’ under the provision to clause (3) of Article 320 of the Constitution of India in the official Gazette, the posts mentioned in para ‘C’ Sub-para-1 shall be delinked with immediate effect from the purview of the West Bengal Public Service Commission.
  7. The location of the office of WBHRB and other details will be notified in due course.

D. This department resolution bearing No. HF/0/GA/298/2E-04/11 Pt.-I dtd. 03-02-12 is hereby stands cancelled.

By order of the Governor,

Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Health & Family Welfare Department.

No. HF/O/GA/2378 dated 01.08.2012, Website

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