
West Bengal Right to Public Services Bill, 2013

Consumer Affairs, , 👁ī¸ 256

The West Bengal Right to Public Services Bill 2013 was unanimously passed in the state Assembly to improve public service delivery mechanism and to reduce corruption.

1. The West Bengal Right to Public Services Bill 2013 was unanimously passed in the state Assembly on 26.08.2013.

2. This Bill was passed to improve public service delivery mechanism and to reduce corruption.

4. Citizens applying for any services from any department or a local body under the state government would get an application number; the status of which can be tracked online.

3. List of Basic services will be notified by the Govt. from time to time. Basic services includes driving license, birth and death certificates, ration card, BPL card, electricity connections, issuing of mark sheets etc.

4. This Bill makes it mandatory to provide such services within a stipulated period. If the victim lodges a complaint, the employee concerned will be fined from Rs. 250 to Rs. 1,000.

5. A cash incentive not exceeding Rs 1,000 in favour of a government servant against whom no default is reported in one year, may be awarded.

6. A Commission will be set up to look into the complaints from people not receiving government services on time and take action accordingly.


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