
West Bengal Services (Training and Examination) Rules – Part II

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The Commission shall thereafter prepare a complete list of all officers liable to appear at the examination and forward copies thereof to the Heads of Departments and Directorates concerned.

In continuation to the earlier post, West Bengal Services (Training & Examination) Rules, 1953 along with all amendments.

Ref: 845-F dated 19.03.1953, 10518-F dated 04.12.1974, 834-PAR(Trg) dated 20.08.2004, 601-PAR(Trg) dated 07.09.2006.


The course of study in theoretical and practical survey referred to in rule 19 is prescribed as follows :

Surveying-(a) Elements of drawing including printing geometrical drawing scales, conventional signs, inking and colouring (39 hours).

(b) Chain surveying: different kinds of chains: testing and correcting chains: how to use the chain: ranging: stepping: laying of angels: offsets: cross staff and optical square: avoiding obstacles: triangulation: surveying an area with chain: plotting survey from field book: computation of area.

Lectures – 8 Hours
Field – 21
Plotting – 14
Total – 43 Hours

(c) Compass survey: construction compass: magnetic and true month; error of compass: force and back bearing; cross bearing surveying an area with compass; field book; plotting.

Lectures – 5 Hours
Field Work – 14
Plotting – 10
Total – 29 Hours

(d) Plane table survey: construction and use of plane table and sight vane: use of magnetic needle: surveying an area with plane table: fixing inaccessible objects with plane table and sight vane.

Lectures – 3 Hours
Field Work -14
Inking Party place and taking individual tracing – 10
Total – 27 Hours

(e) Levelling: temporary and permanent adjustment of levels: datum plane: reduced level: bench mark: levelling staff: running a line of levels: field book: plotting and section

Lectures – 10 Hours
Field Work – 32
Plotting – 10
Total – 52 Hours

(f) Theodolite: temporary and permanent adjustments: traversing: balancing: ploting traverse by Gale’s method.

Lectures – 10 Hours
Field Work – 25
Plotting – 14
Total – 49 Hours

[Note-Probationers will have to reside at the premises of the Bengal Engineering College, Sibpur: necessary accommodation being provided in the attached hostel. Each of them would be required to pay Re. 1-0 per month as barrack charges and defray the cost of his own messing during the period of his stay and also a fee of Rs. 5 for the use of mess utensils. ]


Rules regulating the training of Assistant Registrars of the Directorate of Co-operation

1. All Assistant Registrars of Co-operative Societies recruited direct shall be on probation for two years during period they shall receive six months’ practical training and also pass the departmental examination prescribed in Chapter II.

2. The practical training will consist of the following items :

(a) Four months’ theoretical training in the Co-operative Training Institute at Konnagar;

(b) One months’ practical training as an Auditor of Co-operative Societies;


(c) One months’ practical training as an Inspector of Co-operative Societies.

If the reports of the training are satisfactory the officer may be posted as an Assistant Registrar of Co-operative Societies.


Rules regulating the training of the members of the West Bengal Higher Judicial Service Direct Recruits :

1. In this part unless the context otherwise requires-(a) “District Judge” means the District Judge under whom an officer has been posted for training;

(b) “High Court” means the High Court at Calcutta; and (c) “Office” means an officer recruited to a direct recruitment post under the West Bengal Higher Judicial Service (Direct Recruitment) Rules, 1956.

2. An officer shall undergo the training, as indicated below, during the period of his probation :

A. Training in Magisterial work

An officer shall according to the programme drawn up by the Chief Presidency Magistrate, Calcutta, sit with him for one month and acquaint himself with the law and procedure of the trial of criminal cases.

B. Training in Civil work

An officer shall, according to the programme drawn up by the district Judge, sit with a subordinate Judge and an Additional District Judge and acquaint himself with the law and procedure of the trial of original civil suits and proceedings and of the hearing of appeals arising from original civil suits and proceedings.

C. Training in Sessions trials

An officer shall, according to the programme drawn up by the Sessions Judge, attend the High Court Sessions of any other Sessions Court and prepare intelligent and precise records of four Sessions cases including one murder case. The records shall consist of-

(i) a summary of the evidence, with notes showing the admissibility and the applicability of such evidence in respect of the offence charged with reference to the law of evidence;

(ii) notes on the procedure with reference to the Law of procedure in respect of all matters arising during the trial from its commencement to its conclusion;

(iii) a precise of the arguments adduced for the prosecution and the defence;

(iv) charge to the Jury and the Judgement.

Note-The Sessions Judge shall forward the records to the High Court for examination by a Judge of the High Court selected by the Chief Justice. The remarks of the Judge examining the records shall be forwarded to the State Government.

D. Period and Programme of Civil and Sessions Training

An officer shall receive Civil and Sessions training as stated in paragraphs B and C above for a period of three months and the programme of training shall be drawn up by the District and Sessions Judge. Before the training of an officer in Sessions trials is arranged at the High Court, the District and Sessions Judge shall obtain the approval of the High Court.

E. Training in the General Administration of Civil And Sessions Courts

The District Judge shall draw up a programme for the training of an officer in the general administration of the Civil and the Sessions Courts. The programme shall include training in the work of the various departments, namely, the English and the Vernacular Departments, the Nazarat, the Records Room and the Accounts Department, in order to enable an officer to familiaries himself with the work done in such departments.

F. General

The programme of training shall be so arranged that an officer gets adequate facilities for training in all branches of judicial and administrative work. During the training an officer shall acquaint himself with the Civil Rules and Orders the Criminal Rules and Orders the Financial Rules and the Treasury Rules, West Bengal. The Programme shall include inspection of some departments selected by the District and Sessions Judge. The inspection reports shall be submitted to the District Judge and shall be examined by him.

G. Report

At the conclusion of the training the District and Sessions Judge shall send a report to the High Court regarding the Branches of administration in which the officer was put on training and whether the officer has acquired sufficient knowledge of the work and the rules.

H. Creation of Supernumerary posts during the period of training

During the period of training for four months during the first part of the period of probation for one year, an officer shall be appointed to a supernumerary post created as a temporary addition to the cadre of the West Bengal Higher Judicial Service for the aforesaid period of four months. [No. 4569-F, dated 25-9-1962]


[A] General rules regarding Departmental Examinations

1. Officers of the following Services, Departments and Directorates and others to whom these rules may from time to time be made applicable shall be liable to appear at Departmental Examinations prescribed in this chapter :

(i) Indian Administrative Service.
(ii) West Bengal Civil Service (Executive).
(iii) West Bengal Civil-Service (Judicial).
(iv) West Bengal Junior Civil Service.
(v) Indian Police Service.
(vi) West Bengal Police Service.
(vii) Assistant Commissioners, Calcutta Police.
(viii) Officers of the Irrigation and Waterways Department.
(ix) Public Works Department.
(x) West Bengal Excise Service.
(xi) West Bengal Junior Excise Service.
(xii) Directorate of Agriculture including members of the West Bengal General Service attached to Haringhata Farm. (No. 2900-F, dated 23.9.1955)
(xiii) Directorate of Fisheries.
(xiv) Directorate of Forests.
(xv) West Bengal Veterinary Services.
(xvi) Directorate of Industries.
(xvii) Directorate of Cinchona and other Medicinal Plants.
(xviii) Directorate of Labour.
(xix) West Bengal Boilers Service.
(xx) Directorate of Electricity.
(xxi) Directorate of West Bengal Government Press.
(xxii) West Bengal Factories Service.
(xxiii) Directorate of Education.
(xxiv) Directorate of Commercial Tax.
(xxv) Directorate of Agricultural Income Tax.
(xxvi) West Bengal Fire Service.
(xxvii) Co-operation Directorate.
(xxviii) Department of Food.
(xxix) Department of Supplies.
(xxx) Registration Department: Sub-Registrars.
(xxxi) State Statistical Bureau.
(xxxii) Directorate of Botanical and other Public Gardens.
(xxxiii) West Bengal Higher Judicial Service Direct Recruits.
(xxxiv) Office of the Zoological garden Alipore.
(xxxv) Directorate of Mines and Minerals.
(xxxvi) Officers of Weights and Measures Organisations.
(xxxvii) Officers of Public Health Engineering Department.
(xxxviii) Officers of West Bengal National Volunteer Force.
(xxxix) Officers of Directorate of Employment under Labour Department.
(xxxx) Municipal Engineering Directorate under the Local Government and Urban Development Department.

2. The Public Service Commission, West Bengal, shall direct and control these Departmental Examination.

3. The Departmental Examinations shall be held every six months at a single centre in Calcutta, ordinarily in the months of May and November, unless otherwise prescribed. The dates of the examinations and the time fixed for each paper will be announced in the Calcutta Gazette.

4. The Divisional Commissioners, Heads of Directorates and of other departments of Government shall report to the Public Service Commission not later than the third week of February and August, respectively, or two clear months before the examination if held at any other time, the names of officers serving under them who are liable and intend to sit for the examination. The report shall be given in the form prescribed in Appendix-B following.

5. The Commission shall thereafter prepare a complete list of all officers liable to appear at the examination and forward copies thereof to the Heads of Departments and Directorates concerned.

6. The Commissions shall appoint separate committees consisting of three members each for conducting the viva voce examinations in Bengali and Hindi in terms of the rules set out in Chapter III and IV.

7. Officers whose mother tongue is Bengali shall not have to appear in the examination in Bengal and officers whose mother tongue in Hindi or Urdu shall not have to appear in the examination in Hindi. The Heads of Departments and Directorates shall be competent to certify with regard to such exemptions.

8. The commission shall notify in the Calcutta Gazette the names of officers who have passed in the different subjects and also indicate there the subjects in which they have still to pass. The names of those who obtain distinction, i.e., 80 percent or above of the full marks in a subject will also be indicated.

9. The date of passing the Departmental Examination shall be the date following the last date on which the examination was held.

10. Officers under Government undertaking journeys to attend the Departmental Examination will be entitled to travelling allowances in terms of rules in Chapter X of West Bengal Service Rules, Part II.

11. No application for leave from an officer liable to Departmental Examination will ordinarily be entertained if the following half-yearly examination takes place before the expiry of the leave applied for, unless the officer gives an under taking that he will attend the examinations.

If such leave is applied for, the application for leave should be forwarded to the Government in the relevant department with the aforesaid particulars so that Government may decide whether for reasons stated the leave should be granted and if so, on what conditions.

12. An officer may sit for the examination in any of the prescribed subjects and if he succeeds in passing in any of the subjects or papers he shall not again be required to appear at the examination in the paper in which he was successful. He shall not however be deemed to have passed completely unless he passes in all the prescribed papers.

13. No probationer shall be confirmed until he has passed completely the Departmental Examination prescribed for him.