Minimum qualifying service for eligibility in pension is 10 years. Full Pension @ 50% of Last Pay is applicable for qualifying service of 20 years or more. It is the simplified pension matters.
One uniform system of grants-in-aid under which financial assistance is proposed to be provided for covering the net deficit on salary account of approved teachers and non-teaching employees.
General Conditions of Service, Appointment, Occupation of Government Residence, Pay Fixation, Joining Time, Leave Rules, Retirement, Pensionary Benefits etc. are described in West Bengal Service Rules.
The President of India makes Government Accounting Rules in 1990 which describes the general principles of Government Accounting for Government departments.
The question of revision of pay scales of Welfare Officer under the Department of Jails has been under active consideration of the Government for some time past.
In the matter of receipt, custody and disbursement of Government moneys, these rules are supplementary to West Bengal Treasury Rules, and should be applied in conjunction with them.
All Officers of the Govt. of West Bengal who are recruited directly through PSC (Public Service Commission), West Bengal shall have to pass the departmental examination during the probation period.
WBTR, 2005 is divided into three parts. Part I contains Treasury Rules, Part II contains Subsidiary Rules and Part III contains Executive Instructions and Orders for the guidance of the Treasury Officers.
Department of Pension, Provident Fund & Group Insurance DPPG implemented online Pension File Status Query Service at