
Absence is not DIES NON in case of already sanctioned Leave

Finance, ,

Absence will not be treated as dies non and no salary will be deducted in case of leave like Child Care Leave, Maternity Leave, Earned Leave, etc. sanctioned before the date of issuance of order No. 6535-F dated 01.09.2015.

Update: Cancellation of No. 6649-F dated 04.09.2015


No. 6649-F(P) Dated: 04.09.2015


In this department Memorandum No. 6535-F(P) dt. 01.09.2015 it has been mentioned that no leave will be granted to any employee commencing from a date before 2nd September, 2015 and continuing thereafter excepting on the grounds as mentioned in the Memorandum No. 2013-F(P) dt. 06.03.2012. It has also been mentioned there that in such case the entire period of absence will be treated as dies non and no salary will be admissible.

Now confusion has arisen, if this will be applicable in case of already sanctioned leave like Child Care Leave, Maternity Leave, Earned Leave etc. In this connection, attention is drawn that in the said order dt. 01.09.2013 it has also been mentioned that absence will be treated as dies non and salary will not be admissible unless the same is covered by the grounds in Finance Department Memorandum No. 2013-F(P) dt. 06.03.2012 where one such ground is that the provision will not apply in case of employees who had been on leave continuing from before.

Now, to remove the confusion it is clarified that absence will not be treated as dies non and no salary will be deducted or treated to be inadmissible in case of leave like Child Care Leave, Maternity Leave, Earned Leave, etc. sanctioned before the date of issuance of Finance Department’s order No. 6535-F(P) dated 1.9.2015.

Sd/- H. K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 6649-F dated 04.09.2015, Source

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