
Admission through De-Centralized Counseling, 2016-17

Higher Education,

Guidelines for admission for Degree level Engineering, Technology, Architecture and Pharmacy courses through decentralized counseling process and other relevant issues for the academic year 2016-17.


No. 507-Edn(T)/10M-86/15 Date: 19.07.2016


Subject: Guidelines for admission for Degree level Engineering, Technology, Architecture and Pharmacy courses through decentralized counseling process and other relevant issues for the academic year 2016-17.

Whereas, the State Govt. in Higher Education Department has entrusted the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board (WBJEEB) for conducting of examinations, counseling and admission process for selection and admission of candidates to the Under Graduate Engineering and Technology, Pharmacy and Architecture courses in this State as provided under Sub-Section(9) of Section (4) of the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board Act, 2014 (West Bengal Act XIV of 2014) read with Section 21 of the said Act.


Whereas for admission into the UG Courses in Engineering/ Technology/ Pharmacy /Architecture, it is essential for the candidates to have appeared in die State Common Entrance Examination i.e. West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination for Engineering and Medical-2016 (WBJEEM-2016) or die National Level Common Entrance Examination i.e. Joint Entrance Examination-2016 (JEE MAIN-2016) and secure a rank, as admission shall not be made on the basis of marks obtained in the ’10+2′ level of examination alone.


Whereas, accordingly, West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board has already notified the guidelines on the e-counseling and admission process,


Whereas, after completion of the e-counseling and admission, the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board will generate a report on final admission status as well as status of vacant seats in respect of all participating institutions.

1.0 Decentralized counseling, after completion of e-counseling

After completion of centralized e-counseling and admission process, decentralized counseling will be conducted for filling up the vacant seats of the individual institutions.

For being admitted under decentralized counseling process, candidates have to fulfill all the eligibility criteria and the terms and conditions as stipulated by the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board. Vacant Seats in the institutions, if any, as per list generated by the Board after the e-counseling and admission process, may be offered for filling up by the concerned institutions from amongst the eligible candidates, maintaining strictly the order of merit (inter se merit).

1.1 For eight (08) Govt. Engg. & Tech. Colleges :

Controlled decentralized counseling for the vacant scats of the 8 (eight) Govt. Engg. & Tech. Colleges of the State will be conducted by the WBJEEB in consultation with the Directorate of Technical Education, Government of West Bengal. The date and venue for such counseling will be notified by the WBJEEB in their Website. Only Domiciles of the State of West Bengal as well as WBJEEM-2016 rank holders fulfilling the other eligibility criteria as mentioned in Clause No. 10.1 to 10.4 (Page No. 9-11) of the Information Brochure of WBJEEB-2016 are eligible .

1.2 For all other Engg. & Tech. Colleges i.e. Self-financed Institutions:

Decentralized counseling for the self-financing Engg. & Tech. /Pharmacy/Architecture Colleges will take place for their vacant seats from amongst the eligible candidates strictly maintaining the order of merit (inter se merit).

1.3 For University and University Departments:

Decentralized counseling will be conducted as per the decisions of the concerned University and University Departments.

1.4 Eligibility for Decentralized counseling

1.4.1 For Engineering and Technology courses:

a) Candidates with WBJEEM -2016 rank (General Merit Rank in Engineering) and fulfilling other eligibility criteria as specified in this Notification.

b) Candidates with JEE-MAIN (Engineering & Technology) – 2016 rank (All India Rank) and fulfilling other eligibility criteria as specified in this Notification.

c) Candidates with JELET-2016 rank and having passed Diploma Examination from an AICTE approved Institute with at least 45% marks (40% in case of candidates belonging to Reserved Category) in die appropriate branch of Engineering/Technology.

d) Candidates with Engineering Diploma from an AICTE-approved institution with at least 45% (40% in case of candidates belonging to Reserved Category) in appropriate branch of Engineering/Technology.
Note (1): For ready reference, an indicative list of appropriate/ relevant disciplines for admission to 1st year of U.G. Level Engg. & Tech./Pharmacy/Arch. Courses vis-a-vis the relevant Diploma Programme is given below

List of Appropriate/ Relevant Disciplines for Admission to 1st year of Degree Level Engineering & Technology Courses vis-a-vis the relevant Diploma Programme(s)

Sl. No.Courses available for admission in 1st year of Degree Level Engineering & Technology CoursesRelevant Disciplines of Diploma in Engineering & Technology for admission through Lateral Entry Scheme
1ArchitectureArchitecture/ Town Planning
2Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering/ Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering/ Instrumentation & Control EngineeringApplied Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering /Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering/ Instrumentation Technology/ Instrumentation Engineering/ Instrumentation & Control Engineering/ Medical Electronics
3Agriculture/ Agricultural EngineeringAgricultural Engineering
4Mechanical Engineering/ Automobile EngineeringMechanical Engineering/ Automobile Engineering
5Bio-technologyBio-technology/ Medical Lab Technology
6Bio-Medical EngineeringBio-Medical Engineering/ Medical Lab Technology
8Chemical EngineeringChemical Engineering/ Chemical Technology/ Plastics Technology/ Plastic Mould Technology
9Civil EngineeringCivil Engineering/ Survey Engineering/ Mining Engineering/ Mining Survey/ Architecture
10Ceramic TechnologyPottery & Ceramic Technology/ Ceramic Technology
11Computer Science & Engineering/ Computer Science & TechnologyComputer Science & Engineering/ Computer Science & Technology/ Information Technology/ Computer Software Technology/ Multi Media Technology
12Construction EngineeringCivil Engineering/ Construction Engineering/ Construction Technology
13Electronics & Communication Engineering/ Electronics & Telecommunication EngineeringElectronics & Communication Engineering/ Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering/ Medical Electronics
14Electrical EngineeringElectrical Engineering
15Electrical & Electronics EngineeringElectrical & Electronics Engineering/ Electrical Engineering/ Electronics Engineering/ Electronics & Tele-communication Engineering/ Electronics and Communication Engineering
16Food TechnologyFood Technology/ Food Processing Technology
17Jute Technology/ Jute & Fibre TechnologyJute Technology/ Jute & Fibre Technology/ Textile Technology (Handloom)/ Fashion Technology
18Leather TechnologyLeather Technology/ Foot-Wear Technology/ Leather Goods Technology/ Leather Goods Technology & Accessories
19Metallurgical EngineeringMetallurgical Engineering
20Power Engineering/ Power Plant EngineeringPower Plant Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering/ Electrical Engineering
21Mechanical Engineering/ Production Engineering/ Chemical EngineeringMechanical Engineering/ Production Engineering/ Tools & Die Making
22Mechanical Engineering/ Production EngineeringMechanical Engineering/ Production Engineering
23Printing Engineering/ Printing TechnologyPrinting Engineering/ Printing Technology/ Packaging Technology
24Textile Technology/ Apparel Production and ManagementTextile Technology (Handloom)/ Fashion Technology/ Apparel Production and Management
25Information TechnologyInformation Technology/ Electronics & Communication Engineering/ Computer Science & Engineering/ Computer Science & Technology/ Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering/ Multi Media Technology
26Marine EngineeringMarine Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering/ Electrical Engineering
27Computer Science & Engineering/ Computer Science & Technology/ Information TechnologyMulti Media Technology

c) B.Sc. passed candidates from a recognized University as defined by the UGC, with at least 45% marks (4096 in case of candidates belonging to Reserved Category) and having Passed XII standard with Mathematics as a subject.

1.4.2 For Pharmacy

a) Candidates with WBJEE -2016 rank (Pharmacy Merit Rank) and fulfilling other eligibility criteria as specified in this Notification.

b) Candidates with JEE MAIN-2016 rank (All India Rank) and fulfilling other eligibility criteria as specified in this Notification.

c) Candidates with JELET – 2016 (Pharmacy) rank and having passed Diploma Examination from PCI and AICTE- approved institution with at least 15% marks (10% in case of candidates belonging to reserved category) in the appropriate brand of engineering/ technology.

(1) Candidates with Diploma in Pharmacy from PCI and AICTE-approved Institution with at least 45% marks (40% in case of candidates belonging to Reserved Category) in Pharmacy.

1.4.3 For Architecture

a) Candidates with WBJEEM – 2016 rank (General Merit Rank in Engineering) and fulfilling other eligibility criteria as specified in this Notification.

b) Candidates with JEE MAIN – 2016 Paper II rank (All India Rank) and fulfilling other eligibility criteria ms specified in this Notification.

c) Diploma holders in Architecture and Town Planning from AICTE-approved institutions.

1.4.4 For de-centralized counseling of the Self-financing Engg., Tech., Pharmacy & Architecture Colleges and University/ University Deptt.s (excluding Govt. Engg. & Tech. Colleges) the concerned Institutions have to follow the procedures as mentioned below:-

i) After the completion of e-counseling by WBJEEB, the institutions having vacancies in various streams and willing to admit students through de-centralized counseling, shall declare the list of vacant seats. The “Notice” seeking application from eligible candidates has to be posted on their respective Websites and Notice Boards of the Institute.

ii) Individual institutions shall publish the list of applicants with their rank/marks, as applicable, on their website and Notice Board.

iii) Thereafter, the concerned institutions shall scrutinize all such applications and finalize list of suitable candidates based on the order of criteria mentioned under clause 1.0. of these Guidelines.

iv) The respective Institutions shall complete the admission process within the time stipulated by the concerned affiliating University so that the candidates are registered with the affiliating University in a time-bound manner.

2.0 Management Quota

Self-financing Colleges may admit a maximum of 10% of the approved seals under Management Quota from amongst the WBJEEM-2016 and JEE – MAIN-2016 merit-listed candidates and JEE -MAIN -2016 Paper II (for Architecture) merit-listed candidates subject to fulfillment of all the eligibility criteria stipulated by the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board.

Furthermore, the seats under the Management Quota which remain vacant, alter maintaining above procedure, may be filled up through de-centralized counseling process enumerated under Clause-1.0 of these Guidelines.

The entire admission process must be completed within the timelines stipulated by the concerned affiliating University so that the admitted candidates are registered with the concerned affiliating University in a timely manner.

Sd/- Special Secretary
Higher Education Department

No. 507-Edn dated 19.07.2016, Source