Applications are invited for admission into 2 years’ Diploma Course in Pharmacy in the Institute of Pharmacy, Kalyani, Jalpaiguri and Bankura. A pass in Higher Secondary (10+2) examination in Science Stream or equivalent examination as recognized by the Pharmacy Council of India can apply.
Government of West Bengal
Directorate of Health Services
Advertisement for admission into Diploma Course in Pharmacy for the Session of 2014-2015
Applications are invited for admission into two years’ Diploma Course in Pharmacy in the Institute of Pharmacy, Kalyani, Jalpaiguri and Bankura.
Minimum educational qualification required for admission:
A pass in the Higher Secondary (10+2) examination in Science Stream or equivalent examination as recognized by the Pharmacy Council of India. Students passed in H.S. (10+2) examination or equivalent examinations in Vocational Stream are not eligible.
Minimum 16 years and not more than 30 years as on 1st June, 2014 and not more than 33 years for candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe as on 1st June 2014.
Selection Procedure:
Candidates will be selected on the basis of marks obtained in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics or Biology at the H.S. (10+2) Examination (General Stream) or equivalent examination as approved by the Pharmacy Council of India.
Seats will be reserved for candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and other Backward Classes and also for Physically Handicapped Candidates as per existing rules of Government of West Bengal.
Four candidates, nominated by the Gorkha Hill Council, Darjeeling will be admitted into the Institute of Pharmacy, Jalpaiguri subject to the approval of Department of Health & Family Welfare, WB.
Candidates should be Indian Citizens and either have been residing in the State of West Bengal uninterruptedly/ continuously for not less than 10 years as on 01.06.2012 or who or whose parents are permanent residents of West Bengal and have their permanent addresses in West Bengal.
Attested copies of the following documents are to be enclosed with application
Hostel Facility:
There is limited number of hostel seats in the three institutions of Pharmacy for male students only.
The selected candidates will have to bear the expenses on their own and there is no provision for student’s scholarship.
Duly filled up applications as per proforma should reach the “Principal, Institute of Pharmacy, Kalyani, P.O. Kalyani, Dist-Nadia, Pin-741235 by 30th June, 2014 (4.00PM) in a closed envelope, superscribing “Application for admission into Diploma in Pharmacy, 2014-2015”. The applications should be sent either by Speed or Registered Post or by hand personally.
This advertisement along with the proforma of application for admission will be available in the Official Website of the Deptt. of Health & Family Welfare, Government of West Bengal ( and in the notice board of Swasthya Bhavan (Ground Floor), Kolkata, Office of the three Institutes of Pharmacy, Kalyani, Bankura & Jalpaiguri and office of Chief Medical Officer of Health of each District.
The list of eligible candidate for admission and rules & regulations for admission will be available in the notice board of Swasthya Bhavan/three institutions of Pharmacy/ Office of Chief Medical Officer of Health of each district and official website of Department of Health & Family Welfare Government of West Bengal ( on 31st July 2014. No Candidates will be communicated separately in this regard.
Proforma of Application
Advertisement in Bengali
Proforma of Application in Bengali