Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 6883-F Dated: 14.07.2009
In exercise of the power conferred by the proviso to clause (3) of article 320 of the Constitution of India, the Governor is pleased hereby to make, with immediate effect, the following amendment in the West Bengal Public Service Commission (Exemption from Consultation) Regulations, 2008, published with this Department notification No. 9103-F, dated the 3rd December, 2008 (hereinafter referred to as the said regulations):-
In the said regulations, for regulation 17, substitute the following regulation:-
“17. No consultation for certain posts- It shall not be necessary to consult with the Commission with respect to the matters specified in sub-clauses (a) and (b) of clause (3) of article 320 of the Constitution in the posts mentioned in column (2) of the Table below:
Sl. No. | Name of the Post |
1. | Eastern Frontier Rifles (West Bengal Battalion); |
2. | Staff Nurses, Health Assistants (Female), Senior Public Health Nurse, Ward Sister (Generic B.Sc. Nurses) under the Health and Family Welfare Department, Staff Nurses on Employees State Insurance Scheme under the Department of Labour; |
3. | Sweeper, Dome, Cleaner, Mali, Dhobi, Barber. Tailor, Cook, Cook- mate, Cook-cum-Bearer, Gardener, Masalchi, Laskar, Workman, Tyreman, Painter, Mate under different Departments. |
4. | Dome, Cleaner-cum-Stretcher Bearer, Linen Keeper in the Employees State Insurance Directorate under the Department of Labour; |
5. | Fisheries, Attendance, Fisheries Attendant-cum-Watcher, Fisheries Helper, Aquarium Attendant, Field Attendant-cum-Watcher, Fisherman Attendant/Fisherman Attendant-cum-Watcher/Fisherman Helper, Watcher/Night Watcher/Watchman under the Department of Fisheries. |
6. | Cattle Keeper, Krishi Shramik under the Department of Agriculture; |
7. | Loader/Unloader-cum-Helper, Junior Pump Operator, Mason under the Department of Housing. |
8. | Camp Bearer, Boat Keeper, Cobbler, Bank Man under the Department of Civil Defence; |
9. | Glass Cutter, Game Watcher, Mahut, Majhi, Serang, Sukhani, Man Majdoor, Woman Majdoor, Sardar, Harberium Cleaner, Udyan Shramik, Udyan Rakshi, Oilman, Greaser, Lathi Man, Forest Watcher, Cashaul Boatman under the Department of Forests; |
10. | Sareng under different Departments.” |
By order of the Governor,
Sd/- Dipankar Mukhopadhyay
Principal Secy. to the
Govt. of West Bengal