
Auto Cancellation of Failed Transactions under Kanyashree/ Rupashree

Finance, , , 👁️ 197

Through this new functionality as soon as any transaction fails, it would get cancelled in IFMS automatically and the cancelled payment files would be returned to the concerned Kanyashree/ Rupashree portals without any intervention in IFMS.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

Memo No. 674-F(Y) Dated: 15th February, 2023

Sub:- Introduction of the new functionality of Auto cancellation of Failed Transactions under Kanyashree/ Rupashree Prakalpa integrated with IFMS

Seamless integration has been introduced between IFMS and ‘Kanyashree portal since December, 2017 and between IFMS and Rupashree portal vide G.O. No. 2152-F(Y) dated 05.04.2019 for disbursement of payment directly to beneficiaries’ bank account. In case of failure of any transaction in IFMS due to wrong bank details or otherwise, such failed transactions are returned to IFMS by e-Kuber, RBI and became available under ‘Failed Transaction’ menu in the system at the DDOs’ end. If the changed bank details are made available with the DDOs in due course, these failed transactions are then reprocessed by the DDOs after making necessary rectification of the erroneous bank details for release of the payment to the concerned beneficiaries by the Treasuries/ PAOs.

In rest of the failed cases where no rectification is possible in the IFMS such failed transactions are cancelled in the system by the DDOs and subsequently by the Treasuries/ PAOs and the allotment amount getting rolled back if done in the same Financial Year.

However, in case of integrated payments, where the beneficiary details are not maintained in IFMS, these corrections are to be done at the respective Integrated Portals. But over the past few years payment related problems are being encountered in some Integrated Portals, specifically in Kanyashree and Rupashree Prakalpa, giving rise to lapse of huge amount of allotment in each Financial Year.

To get rid of these hassles a new modality has been developed in IFMS for Kanyashree and Rupashree Prakalpa, doing away with the existing functionality of manual cancellation of failed transactions. Through this new functionality as soon as any transaction fails, it would get cancelled in IFMS automatically and the cancelled payment files would be returned to the concerned Kanyashree/ Rupashree portals without any intervention in IFMS by the DDOs as well as by the Treasuries/ PAOs. At the same time the allotment amount pertaining to the cancelled transactions would also be rolled back in IFMS, both at the DDOs’ end as well as at the end of the Treasuries/ PAOs if done in the same Financial Year.

This functionality would take immediate effect.

Sd/- Dr. Sudip Kumar Sinha, IAS
Finance Department
Government of West Bengal

No. 674-F dated 15.02.2023, Source