
Benefits for Casual, Daily Rated, Contractual Workers, 2016

Finance, 👁️ 619

Conditions of engagement as well as monthly remuneration, annual increase, medical facility, leave etc. for the causal/ daily rated/ contractual workers have been improved.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 1107-F(P) Howrah, the 25th February, 2016


In this Department No. 9008-F(P) dated 16.09.2011 it was decided to allow appropriate emoluments, security of tenure and certain terminal benefits to the casual/ daily rated/ contractual workers subject to fulfilment of conditions therein.

2. The matter regarding improvement of monthly remuneration, annual increase, medical facility, leave and others benefits as well as review of the conditions of engagement were under active consideration of the Government for some time past.

3. Now, after careful consideration of the matter, the Governor has been pleased to decide to revise the benefits as follows:

(i) All contractual/ casual/ daily rated workers shall continue to be in engagement up to the age of 60 years. Engagement of contractual/ casual/ daily rated worker shall not be terminated except as prescribed in the above referred Memo.

(ii) Consolidated monthly remuneration of contractual/ casual/ daily rated workers will be as follows:

Group D

Period of engagementPresentProposed
Less than 5 yearsRs. 7,000/-Rs. 10,000/-
5-10 yearsRs. 7,000./-Rs. 12,000/-
10-15 yearsRs. 8,500/-Rs. 14,500/-
15-20 yearsRs. 8,500/-Rs. 17,000/-
More than 20 yearsRs. 8,500/-Rs. 20,000/-

Group C

Period of engagementPresentProposed
Less than 5 yearsRs. 8,500/-Rs. 11,500/-
5-10 yearsRs. 8,500/-Rs. 13,500/-
10-15 yearsRs. 11,000/-Rs. 16,000/-
15 – 20 yearsRs. 11,000/-Rs. 19,000/-
More than 20 yearsRs. 11,000/-Rs. 22,500/-

(iii) Enhancement of remuneration: 3% in every year.

(iv) Terminal benefit on attaining the age of 60 years: Rs. 2.00 lakh.

(v) Medical benefit: All contractual/casual workers and their families will be covered under a health insurance coverage upto Rs. 1 .50 lakh for secondary and tertiary illnesses and Rs. 5 lakh for critical illnesses.

(vi) Leave benefits: In addition to existing 30 off days, 10 days leave will be allowed on medical ground in a year. Maternity Leave will be as in the earlier order.

4. The Governor has been further pleased to decide that a High Powered Committee will be formed to review the conditions of their engagement and for suggestions as to further improvement in the financial and other conditions of engagement due to future developments.

5. This will take effect from 1st March, 2016.

Sd/- H. K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 1107-F dated 25.02.2016, Source