
Common Entrance Examination for Sikh Minority, 2018

Higher Education, 👁️ 203

(i) JIS College of Engineering, Kalyani, (ii) Narula Institute of Technology, Kolkata, (iii) Guru Nanak Institute of Technology, Kolkata, (iv) Guru Nanak Institute of Pharmaceutical Science & Engineering, (v) Dr. Sudhir Chandra Sur Degree Engineering College, Kolkata.

Government of West Bengal
Department of Higher Education
Science & Technology and Bio-Technology
(Technical Branch)
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700 091.

No. 243-Edn(T)/10M/13/15 Dated: 29.03.2018


This has reference to the proposal dated 02.02.2018, received from the Association of Minority Professional Academic Institutes (AMPAI), (covering the managements of five(5) Sikh Minority Private/ Self-financing Professional Academic Institutions) towards conduct of separate Common Entrance Examinations, namely ‘CEE-AMPAI’ for (i) 4-Year Regular B.Tech./B. Pharm. Courses (ii) 3-Year Regular MCA Course (iii) 2-Year Regular MBA Course and (iv) 2-Year Regular M.Tech. & M. Pharm courses for admission to 50% of their approved seats in Engineering, Technology and Pharmacy Programmes, MCA Programme, MBA Programme and M. Tech. & M. Pharm Programmes respectively for the academic session of 2018-19 for the Minority Institutions mentioned below:

(i) JIS College of Engineering, Kalyani.
(ii) Narula Institute of Technology, Kolkata.
(iii) Guru Nanak Institute of Technology, Kolkata.
(iv) Guru Nanak Institute of Pharmaceutical Science & Engineering.
(v) Dr. Sudhir Chandra Sur Degree Engineering College, Kolkata.

Whereas the State-Level Permanent Academic Advisory Committee, constituted vide Govt. Order No. 49-Edn(T) dated 03.02.2014, with Hon’ble Justice Pradipta Ray (Retd.) as Chairman has been entrusted by the State Government in the Department of Higher Education, Science & Technology and Bio-Technology for the purpose of examining the details of such proposals, overseeing and monitoring the conduct of such separate Common Entrance Examinations as well as admission process;


Whereas the said State Level Permanent Academic Advisory Committee has examined and found acceptable in principle the said proposal towards conduct of separate common entrance examinations for admission to different programs as mentioned above, subject to further review of the necessary details to ensure a merit based, transparent and fair examination and admission process, the said Association of Minority Professional Academic Institutes (AMPAI) is hereby permitted to conduct separate Common Entrance Examinations for the academic session 2018-19 for admission to 50% of the approved seats in Engineering & Pharmacy, MCA, M. Tech. & M. Pharm. Courses in their five (5) Institutions mentioned above, subject to terms and conditions enumerated below and guidelines and/or directions that may be issued by the State-Level Permanent Academic Advisory Committee from time to time.

1. The said Association is permitted to fill up a maximum of 50% of the AICTE approved & University affiliated seats in all the proposed courses through their respective separate Common Entrance Examination following its own counseling and admission process, while the remaining 50% seats shall be handed over by the said Association to be filled up through the State-Level Admission Authority like the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board (for B.Tech./ B.Pharm. and MCA Programme) and the Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (for MBA, M.Tech. & M. Pharm Programme) complying with the prevalent AICTE, UGC and State Govt. Norms;

Immediately (within two days) after publication of result of each aforesaid separate Common Entrance Examination, the full merit list of each examination has to be submitted to the State Govt. and the Affiliating University i.e. MAKAUT positively.

2. The said Association shall complete its own common entrance examinations followed by counseling, allotment and admission process for different programs strictly under the observation and guidelines of the State-Level Permanent Academic Advisory Committee and a complete Status Report on admission to all such courses shall be submitted to the State-Level Permanent Academic Advisory Committee as well as to the Director of Technical Education, Govt, of West Bengal and MAKAUT by the date which is prescribed by the DTE in this regard. A format of the said Status Report is given hereunder.

Sl NoName of the candidate with full particularsRegistration No. and Admit Card No.Category (mentioning minority status) and rankDate of AdmissionName of the Institution where allottedName of course allotted

3. Out of the said 50% of approved seats, proposed to be filled up by the Association through its own entrance examinations, unfilled or vacant seats, if any, too may be surrendered to the State-Level Admission Authorities, for allotment and admission through State conducted admission system. This is applicable for B. Tech., B. Pharm and MCA Programme. For M. Tech., M. Pharm and MBA Programme the said process has to be followed also as per instruction of MAKAUT. For example, the seats are to be surrendered by 3rd week of May, 2018 tentatively for B.Tech. and B. Pharm Programme i.e. prior to submission of Seat Matrix by the DTE in compliance with the schedule of West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board.

4. All the steps followed in conducting separate Entrance Examinations for different courses/programs as well as steps followed in counseling, allotment and admission procedure must be approved by the State-Level Permanent Academic Advisory Committee well in advance/prior to commencement/implementation of any of such procedures.

5. The Merit List published by the Association based on separate Common Entrance Examination conducted for different programs/courses as stated shall be used only for the purpose of allotment and admission in the stipulated 50% of the approved seats in respective programs/ courses and the said Merit List cannot be used for any other purpose including the process of de-centralized counseling. All the terms and conditions as stipulated by the State-Level Permanent Academic Advisory Committee in this regard must strictly be adhered to.

6. Last date of admission for the Merit listed candidates of each examinations of AMPAI, (to the 50% seats earmarked as the quota seats of the AMPAI), shall be the last date fixed by the affiliating University (i.e. MAKAUT) if no seat is surrendered from the 50% quota of AMPAI.

7. For each of the proposed Common Entrance Examinations for admission to B. Tech., B. Pharm, MCA, MBA, M. Tech and M. Pharm courses, once the lists of the eligible Sikh Minority students will be exhausted, remaining vacant seats within the purview of AMPAI (i.e. within the 50% quota), if any, shall be allotted to merit listed students of other minority and then non-minority category.

8. Besides different terms & conditions, norms & guidelines as stipulated by the State-Level Regulatory Authority from time to time, following terms and conditions are to be followed by the Association in the matter of conduct of separate common entrance examinations for different courses/ programs in the academic session of 2018-19:

(i) The Association shall nominate suitable person(s) to act as the convener(s) of those separate Common Entrance Examinations who will be responsible for reporting to the State-Level Permanent Academic Advisory Committee regarding conduct of the said examinations as well as other post-examination matters in all respects.

(ii) The said Association may engage an outside agency of repute with sound credentials and credibility in conducting such Common Entrance Examination so as to ensure merit basis, fairness and transparency in the conduct of the said examinations.

(iii) That the convener or conveners of the such Common Entrance Examinations shall arrange for adequate publicity through a formal Notification to be published in at least two leading newspapers inviting candidates to submit their applications for the examinations. The Notification must mention the purpose and nature of the examination, availability of seats, schedule of dates, details of the syllabi, marking and ranking methodology along with other details so as to ensure that all relevant information are available in the public domain.

(iv) The said Association shall have a specific website for conduct of the proposed examinations, particulars of which shall be communicated to the State-Level Permanent Academic Advisory Committee and shall be widely publicized for the guidance of the applicants.

(v) The said Association shall have a specific Bank Account for dealing with financial matters pertaining to the admission of students through the proposed Common Entrance Examinations.

(vi) The convener/ conveners of such Common Entrance Examination shall take prior approval on different issues pertaining to the conduct of such Common Entrance Examinations, as given below:

(1) The details of examination centers along with location.

(2) Date and time of each examination along with security arrangement and monitoring system to be followed during examination.

(3) Eligibility criteria, mode of application, mode of examination, subjective/objective evaluation, cut-off rank, if any, etc.

(4) Counseling and allotment methodology for each proposed examination along with schedule of dates.

(5) Particulars of the fees (programme-wise and discipline-wise) to be charged from the students for the application kit for examination as well as counseling purpose etc.

9. It shall be the responsibility of the convener/ conveners to maintain strict confidentiality and secrecy through-out the whole process apart from all such safeguards and steps necessary to ensure that the examination is merit based, fair and transparent.

10. Admission shall be based strictly on inter-se merit list.

11. That the convener/ conveners of the such examinations shall submit a complete Status Report on the allotment and admission status as already stipulated in paragraph 2 of this order.

12. That the convener/ conveners of the proposed examination shall also submit institution-wise, programme-wise and discipline-wise status of surrendered seats (if any) so that those vacant surrendered seats (applicable for B. Tech. & B. Pharm and MCA Programme) can be filled-up by the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board (WBJEEB) through its centralized counseling process of 2018-19. It must be done well in advance so as to enable the Director of Technical Education, West Bengal to finalise the Seat-Matrix for 2018-19 for the Centralized Counseling Programme in respect of B. Tech. & B. Pharm and MCA courses.

13. The convener/ conveners will submit in writing to the Department of Higher Education, Science & Technology and Bio-Technology, that the entire expenses for the proposed examinations as well as admission procedures shall be incurred by the AMPAI.

Sd/- Deputy Secretary

No. 243-Edn dated 29.03.2018, Source

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