
Centralized Payment of Unpaid Bills by the Administrative Department

Finance, ,

The subordinate office will provide the following two certificates on the body of the bill to prevent false payment and to avoid duplicate payment.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 1318-F(Y) Date: 19th March, 2020


Sub: Centralized payment of unpaid bills.

Finance Department has recently issued Memo No. 1234-F(Y) dated 12.03.2020 for better compliance of guidelines regarding publication of brief referral advertisements in respect of all e-tenders and Memo No. 1235-F(Y) dated 12.03.2020 to streamline the entire tender invitation, engagement and payment process for Selection of agencies.

Now it is proposed that all the unpaid bills, regarding publication of brief referral advertisements in respect of all e-tenders of subordinate Government offices and for agencies which have provided similar nature of services to different subordinate offices may also be paid centrally by the concerned Administrative Department.

Now in order to make payment of already issued work orders by different subordinate offices for:

a) brief referral advertisements in respect of all e-tenders

b) agencies providing similar nature of services to different subordinate offices

by the Admin Department centrally following steps may be followed:

1. All bills are to be submitted to the concerned subordinate office which has issued the work order.

2. The subordinate office will provide the following two certificates on the body of the bill to prevent false payment and to avoid duplicate payment.

a) Work done certificate with signature of work order issuing authority.

b) Non-payment certificate by the DDO of the office of work order issuing authority.

Thereafter bills are to be sent to the concerned Department for necessary payment. While making payment the concerned Department will ensure that the expenditures are booked against the concerned Scheme/ Project ID wherever applicable.

Additional Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 1318-F dated 19.03.2020, Source