Cheque Truncation System of movement of digital images of the cheques from the link Banks to the PAOs/Treasuries for accounting of the same and from the PAOs/Treasuries to the Office of the Accountant General along with monthly accounts.
GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAL Finance Department (Audit Branch) Nabanna, Howrah – 711102.
No. 2479-F(Y) Dated, Howrah, the 24th April, 2019
Sub: Implementation of Cheque Truncation System (CTS) in the selected PAOs/ Treasuries
Cheque Truncation System of movement of digital images of the cheques from the link Banks to the PAOs/Treasuries for accounting of the same and from the PAOs/ Treasuries to the Office of the Accountant General along with monthly accounts had been under active consideration of the Government for some time.
The system was introduced as a Pilot project in 3 PAOs/ Treasuries and later 39 other PAOs/ Treasuries were under the scope of Cheque Truncation System.
The Governor is, now, pleased to declare that Cheque Truncation System would be compulsorily implemented in 44 PAOs/ Treasuries (Annexure A) from the 1st May 2019.
Those PAOs/ Treasuries would receive digitized images of the cheques (in gov mails of the PAO/ TO) from their respective link banks.
After accounting of the same, the digitized images would be transmitted to a dedicated mail ID of the Accountant General (A&E) WB before physical submission of monthly accounts.
Treasury/ Deposit Account Cheques would be arranged in different folders Head of Account wise (for the entire month) and be mailed in a zipped form to the referred dedicated mail ID of AG (A&E) WB.
The Encashed Cheque Report (category wise) would be physically signed and sent along with the monthly accounts as usual.
As per RBI Circular No. DGDA.GAD.No.H-1204/42.01.035/2014-15 Dated 18.09.2014, all presenting banks would be required to preserve the physical cheques for a period of at least 10 years. If required, the government may ask the drawee banks to produce the physical cheques so preserved for the purpose of litigation, reconciliation etc during the period of preservation. Appendix 10 of WBTR 2005 stands modified to such extent.
The dedicated mail ID for providing the images to AG WB are:
Any change in the dedicated mail ID, if made in due course by AG WB, the Directorate of Treasuries & Accounts would intimate the Treasury Officers accordingly.
Other Treasuries would also be brought under the ambit of Cheque Truncation System as and when the digitized Cheque Clearing System would be introduced by RBI in such areas from time to time.
Sd/- H.K.Dwivedi Additional Chief Secretary to the Government of West Bengal