
House Rent Allowance

Collection of Govt. Orders and Circulars, Memorandum, Clarifications, Admissibility etc. related to House Rent Allowance for West Bengal Govt. Employees.

644-Edn dt. 11.11.2020HRA to Employee of Education Dte. whose Spouse also Works
8012-F dt. 27.12.2018Granting HRA to Employee whose Spouse also Works
6712-F dt. 06.11.2017Admissibility of HRA to directly appointed Group-C Employees
439-H6 dt. 24.02.2015Eligibility of Group-C Employee on Probation for Govt Quarter
1828/Gen dt. 01.10.2013Declaration of HRA of Teaching/ Non-Teaching Employees
5839-F dt. 09.07.2012Granting HRA in case the Spouse is working in Private Organization
948-H2 dt. 05.06.2012Renewal of License of Flat in different RHE.
NRHM/215 dt. 03.01.2012Clarification regarding HRA to GDMOs under NRHM.
955-SE dt. 27.07.2011Permissibility of HRA for Working Couples Living Separately
395-H6 dt. 26.02.2010Entitlement of Different Categories of Rental Housing Estate Flats.
538-SE dt. 24.10.2007HRA of working couples living beyond 250 km
1633-H6 dt. 29.12.2003Terminal benefit due to occupation of Govt. accommodation after retirement
417-IE dt. 17.03.2003HRA of Staff of Irrigation & P.W.D. residing in Mess Building.
10826-F dt. 18.11.2002Clarification of Certain Points
5542-F dt. 23.06.1999Grant of house rent allowance to the officers for living in the Circuit House.
453-F(LAW) dt. 21.05.1998Guideline of allotment of rental flat to State Govt. employee
1131-H2 dt. 20.04.1997Guideline of allotment of rental flat to State Govt. employee
17141-J dt. 20.09.1995Clarification of H. R. A.
1840-F dt. 06.08.1993HRA of P.W.D. staff residing at P.W.D. Mess.
HRA/647 dt. 21.05.1993Admissibility of H.R.A. Living at Circuit House, Dak Bungalow, Inspection Bungalow
5673-F dt. 14.05.1993Clarification of H.R.A.
2192-F dt. 27.02.1992Clarification of H. R. A.
12213-F dt. 27.12.1991Clarification of H. R. A.
10174-F dt. 29.10.1990Clarification of H. R. A.
5508-F dt. 07.06.1990H.R.A. residing at LIG/MIG/HIG Housing Estate
2936-F dt. 31.03.1990Clarification of certain points regarding drawal of HRA.
6038-F dt. 22.05.1984Compensatory House Rent Allowance
14-E dt. 27.09.1975West Bengal Workmen’s House-Rent Allowance Rules, 1975
Nil dt. 18.07.1975West Bengal Workmen’s House-Rent Allowance Act, 1974

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