
Eligibility of Group-C Employee on Probation for Govt Quarter

Housing, 👁️ 338

As the Group-C Employee on Probation period is allowed only Basic Pay (including G.P.) and M. A. or only Basic Pay, he/she is not entitled to the occupation of any Govt accommodation.

Housing Department
Allotment Branch, New Secretariat Building
1st Floor, 1 K. S, Roy Road, Kolkata 700 001.

No. 439-H6/2M-34/2014 Date: 24/02/2015


An Issue has been raised regarding the eligibility of a Group-C Government employee on probation for allotment of a Government quarter.

A Group-C Government employee who occupy a Government quarter allotted to him/her under the West Bengal Govt. Premises (Regulation of Occupancy) Act, 1984 has to forego 15% of the pay as H.R.A. which would have been due to him/her if he/she had not been living in Government quarter.

A Group-C Government employee on probation is not entitled to draw HRA and is allowed to draw only Basic Pay with or without Medical Allowance as applicable. Therefore, as he/she is not entitled to any H.R.A., he/she would not be drawing any H.R.A., even if he/she is living in his/her private accommodation.

The matter was taken up with the Finance Department for a clarification.

The Finance Department has clarified that a Group-C Government employe on probation is not entitled to any H.R.A. As the employee is allowed only Basic Pay (including G.P.) and M. A. or only Basic Pay, he/she is not entitled to the occupation of any Government accommodation.

All concerned are being informed accordingly.

Sd/- Joint Secretary

No. 439-H6 dated 24.02.2015