Common Problems implementing COSA
Necessary instructions may kindly be given to all DDOs to complete the preparatory work of COSA within stipulated time and COSA is implemented from 01.07.2012.
Necessary instructions may kindly be given to all DDOs to complete the preparatory work of COSA within stipulated time and COSA is implemented from 01.07.2012.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata – 700 001
No. FS-81/2012, Dated: 17.05.2012.
From: H.K. Dwivedi, IAS Secretary, Government of West Bengal.
To: The Additional Chief Secretary/ Principal Secretary/ Secretary
…………… Department, Government of West Bengal.
Your kind attention is drawn to the Finance Department Memo No. 1829-F(Y) dated 1.3.2012 regarding drawal of salary using COSA software package and subsequent letters on the above referred subject, last one being No. 305(65)/F(Y)/P/1E-180/2011 dated 6.2.2012.
2. I would like to mention here that the creation of Employee Database and Pension Database through adoption of uniform COSA software package has been attached a very high priority by the State Government for better manpower management.
3. It has been decided that the salary bills of all the employees including employees of the Autonomous Bodies of the State Government, who draw their pay bills and granted-in-aid salary bills from the State Government Treasuries/Pay & Accounts Offices, will be done through COSA software package from July 1, 2012 and salary bills, not using COSA software generated bill, will not be accepted by any Treasury offices/Pay & Accounts Offices from July 1, 2012. In order to implement the COSA software package in different DDOs/offices of the State Government, delegation of financial powers has been made in respect of each DDO for purchase of computers, printers and related materials upto Rs. 2 lakh.
4. I have reviewed the progress of implementation of adoption of COSA software package and the progress is dismal. The common problems, which have been highlighted by the agencies engaged by the Finance Department, to implement the COSA software package are:
i) The agency personnel at district headquarters are not being properly entertained by the senior officers of the district level.
ii) Many of the DDOs have still not got the relevant Government Order(s) issued by the Finance Department with regard to implementation of the COSA software package.
iii) DDOs either do not have any computer facility or the existing computer facility does not comply with the specifications laid down in the Circular of the Finance Department. No efforts has been taken to procure the required hardware (PCs and printers and get these installed).
iv) Inordinate delay on the part of the DDOs to prepare the basic information to prepare the database for COSA software.
v) Some DDOs have expressed that necessary allotment of funds for procuring and installing the hardware is not available. In order to overcome this problem, we have issued a circular bearing Memorandum No. 4111-F(Y) dated May 17, 2012 so that the bills for procurement of one computer and one printer for COSA are passed in anticipation of allotment.
5. I would again request you that necessary instructions may kindly be given to all DDOs under your control so that preparatory work for the implementation of COSA is completed within stipulated time and COSA is implemented from 1st July, 2012.
6. I am enclosing the referred circulars for your reference.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
No. FS-81/2012 dated 17.05.2012., Source