No. 1267-F(P), Date: 10.02.2012
Sub: Condonation of excess age in the cases of appointment on compassionate ground.
Consequent upon issuance of the Finance Department Notification No. 3326-F(P) dated 05.05.2009 all the cases of appointment on compassionate ground are being referred to Finance Department where condonation of excess in age as prescribed in the Notification ibid is required for offering appointment.
The matter has been examined to simplify the existing procedure. As it appears, spirit of Rule 8 of WBSR Pt. I is for condonation of excess in age of a candidate when the same exceeds at the time of actual appointment after completion of selection procedure. In case of appointment on compassionate ground there is no such selection procedure apart from ascertaining the financial condition of the family and immediate need for employment. Thus, appointment on compassionate ground enjoys a separate status.
Considering the above the Governor has been pleased to decide that henceforth condonation of excess in age for appointment on compassionate ground may be considered by the Head of the Departments or their subordinates competent to make appointment on the basis of valid documents in terms of Rule 8 ibid without referring to the Finance Department.
However, reference to Finance Department for relaxation of qualification for appointment on compassionate ground will be continued as usual.
This will take immediate effect.
Sd/- A.K. Das
Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
No. 1267-F dated 10.02.2012
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