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Control and Management of GPF (Group D Employees) – Clarification

Finance, 👁️ 251

Clarification with reference to Notification No. 734-F dated 28.02.2018 regarding change and control in management of General Provident Fund of Group-D employees.

Audit Branch

No: 1353-F(J)W.B. Dated, 18th April, 2018.


Sub:- Clarification with reference to Notification No. 734-F(J)W.B. dated-28.02.2018 regarding change and control in management of General Provident Fund of Group-D employees of the State

Consequent upon change of authority of maintenance of the General Provident Fund Account of the Group-D State Government employees vide Finance Department Memorandum No. 734-F(J)/W.B. dated 28.02.2018, some clarifications are being sought from different ends regarding applicability and processing according to the order.
After careful consideration of the matter the undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to offer the following clarifications on the points of doubt for information and further guidance of all concerned:

Sl. NoIssuesClarifications
1Whether the Group-D Work Charged employees shall be covered in Online GPF Module in terms of the G.O No. 734-F(J)W.B. dated 28.02.2018?Group-D employees in Work Charged establishment shall not come under the purview of Online GPF module in terms of the G.O No. 734- F(J)W.B. dated-28.02.2018 at present. Existing procedure of maintenance of GPF Accounts shall continue for such employees until further order.
2Whether the opening balance of GPF as on 01.04.2018 shall be required to enter in Online GPF module in terms of the G.O No. 734-F(J)W.B. dated- 28.02.2018 for the employees promoted from Group-D to Group-C before 01.04.2018?No.

Head of Office shall continue to maintain the manual GPF register for such employees who have already applied for GPF Account Number from AGWB, till receipt of new GPF Account Number from AGWB. Subscription, Recovery and Withdrawals made during the period shall be made against the Head of Account for Group-D employees. On receipt of new GPF Account Number from AGWB, Head of Office shall send the accumulated balance with interest to AGWB for transfer of the same in new Group-C Account Number as per existing procedure.
Employees already promoted to Group-C but not yet applied for new GPF account number before AGWB, shall apply before AGWB within 10 days from issuance of this memorandum for new GPF account number. On receipt of the GPF Account Number the fund will be transferred to AGWB similarly as stated above.
3What actions are to be taken by Head of Office for transfer of GPF balance to AGWB of those Group-D employees who will be promoted to Group-C on or after 01.04.2018?Opening balance as on 01.04.2018 shall have to be entered for all Group-D employees invariably as per G.O No. 734-F(J)/W.B. dated-28.02.2018. Subsequently on promotion to Group-C, employee shall apply before AGWB for new GPF account number. During the period subscription, recovery and withdrawals, if any, shall be made against the Head of Account for Group-D employees only. On receipt of new GPF Account Number from AGWB, the Head of Office shall enter new GPF Account Number in general information details of HRMS employee master and change the GPF Subscription Type from Group-D to Group-A B C in Salary component page of employee Master and send an online request to DPPG, WB for sanction of the accumulated balance with interest for the concerned period. Upon sanction by DPPG WB, Head of Office shall send the copy of sanction accorded by DPPG, WB to AGWB for transfer of accumulated balance in GPF Group-C Account Number.
4Whether any negative balance standing at the credit in GPF Account of any Group-D employee as on 01.04.2018 can be captured in Online GPF module?No.

If there is no positive GPF balance standing at the credit of the GPF Account as on 01/04/2018 of any Group D employee, Head of Office shall send the details of such cases with copies of all relevant authenticated manual records to the Director, Directorate of Pension, Provident Fund and Group Insurance, West Bengal (DPPG). If satisfied, DPPG WB may issue necessary instruction accordingly on case to case basis to record negative balance against that employee in system.

However, the Head of Office shall not sanction any further advance till the negative balance is regularized.

DPPG, after examining the case may ask the Head of Office to recover the excess drawl at the earliest. The Head of Office shall order for such recovery in full or in not more than six (6) instalments alongwith enhancing the monthly subscription/recovery from his/her pay.
5Whether the DDO shall modify the existing GPF Account Number of the Group-D employees in the employee master of HRMS with the HRMS Unique ID?No.

As per Sl. No.9 of the G.O No. 734-F(J)/W.B. dated- 28.02.2018, Unique ID generated in HRMS shall be treated as the GPF Account Number of Group- D employees. Head of Office shall not modify the existing GPF Account Number with HRMS Unique ID in HRMS employee master.
6Whether Advance (Refundable/ Non- Refundable) and Part-final withdrawal can be allowed to Group-D employees during the period of GPF Opening balance entry and approval process?Yes.

There shall be no restriction on drawal of advances and part-final withdrawals for the time being. Such drawal shall be guided by existing process.
7In case of transfer of Group-D employee from one office to another after insertion of Opening Balance as on 01.04.2018 in Online GPF module, whether any action is required on the part of Head of Office of old Office to transfer the GPF balance to new Office?No separate action is required.

This order shall be deemed to have been taken effect from 01.04.2018.

Sd/- H. K. Dwivedi
Additional Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 1353-F dated 18.04.2018, Source