Higher Education, CAS , Pension đī¸ 685
He/ She shall be serving as on regular basis in approved and /or substantial post and /or regular in nature in any of the aforementioned institutions continuously and satisfactorily prior to such movement to State Aided University.
No. 785-Edn (U)/1U-87/16 Date: 24.09.2020
1. The question of considering past service rendered by University employees in any State Government establishment, Government Colleges/Government aided Colleges affiliated to the State aided Universities in West Bengal, other Research Institutes/ National Important Institute of repute run fully or partly with the financial assistance of the State Government and within the administrative jurisdiction of the Government of West Bengal, Government/ Non-Government aided/ Government sponsored Schools run fully or partly with the financial assistance of the State Government and within the administrative jurisdiction of the Government of West Bengal for calculating the service qualifying for pension had been in active consideration for some time past.
2. Now, after careful consideration, the Governor has been pleased to approve the counting of past service rendered by University employees in any State Government establishment, Government Colleges/ Government aided Colleges affiliated to the State aided Universities in West Bengal, other Research Institutes/ National Important Institute of repute run fully or partly with the financial assistance of the State Government and within the administrative jurisdiction of the Government of West Bengal, Government/ Non-Government aided (except D.A getting Schools)/ Government sponsored Schools run fully or partly with the financial assistance of the State Government and within administrative jurisdiction of the Government of west Bengal for the purpose of calculating service qualifying for pension subject to fulfillment of the following:
(i) Application for the new post should be through proper channel and proper/ prior permission should be obtained from the previous employer for such movement. In case of On-Line application a print out of the original application (hand copy) as well as copy of forwarding letter to Recruitment Agency/ Authority from the Competent Authority i.e. previous employer should be preserved by the new employer for future reference.
(ii) He/ She shall be serving as on regular basis in approved and /or substantial post and /or regular in nature in any of the aforementioned institutions continuously and satisfactorily prior to such movement to State Aided University. The post for which application is made should be substantive and regular in nature.
(iii) The previous post held before joining State Aided University was filled up in accordance with the duly prescribed selection procedure laid down by the Board/ Council/State Govt./ Sponsored Colleges/ Research Institutes of National Repute etc. as the ease may be.
(iv) The appointment in the previous service and post applied for should not be on contractual or ad-hoe basis rather both should be regular/ substantive/ permanent in nature.
(v) The previous service must be covered under GPF-cum-pension-Gratuity Scheme for such continuation of service/ counting of past service, (i.e. the previous service must be pensionable).
(vi) Departmental Proceeding or Criminal Proceeding is not pending or contemplated against the candidate both at the time of application and release from the previous post which is to be certified by the concerned Head of Office /Administrative Department. Unsatisfactory performance & serious allegations whatsoever during 1st service will render the applicant ineligible for such application/movement for any post in State Aided University.
(vii) Last but not the least, for such movement/ application from school level onwards to the State University Level, the incumbent/ applicant should have joined in the same profession (i.e. from teaching to teaching, non-teaching to non-teaching, Librarian to Librarian, Physical Instructor to Physical Instructor etc.)
3. Para 6 (b) of Annexure I to G.O. No. 85-Edn (U) dated. 31.01.2000 stands modified accordingly.
4. Concerned University will make the necessary amendments in the Statutes/ Ordinances/ Rules etc. where necessary for incorporating the provisions of this Government order therein.
5. Any difficulty which may arise in implementing the provisions of this order may be referred to the state Government for clarification and /or order.
6. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide their U.O. No. 78-F (Pen) dated 31.07.2020 and Group P1/2020-2021/0142 dated 20.07.2020.
7. The Accountant General, West Bengal is being informed.
Sd/- Manish Jain
Principal Secretary
Department of Higher Education