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The functions of the Finance Department are performed through 5 (five) branches, namely, Audit, Budget, Revenue, Internal Audit and Institutional Finance.

Holiday List for West Bengal Govt. Employees, 2014

In exercise of the power conferred by the explanation to Section 25 of the Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881(XXVI of 1881), the Governor is pleased to declare the following days to be public holidays during the year 2014.

Final Payment of GPF on Retirement – Forwarding to AG Office

D.D.O’s and Heads of offices are requested to forward all the final payment cases of the retiring employees to the A.G. Office immediately after compulsory stoppage of G.P.F. subscriptions.

Enrolment of New Eye Clinic at New Delhi under WBHS

Dr. Kapur’s The Healing Touch Eye Centre, D-8, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018 is recognized for the purpose of availing benefit of medical attendance and treatment under the West Bengal Health Scheme, 2008.

Group Insurance Scheme 1987 – Table of Benefits, 2013-14

A new table of benefits showing accumulations in the savings fund under GISS 1987 corresponding to a unit subscription of Rs. 10/- only per month has been drawn up for the period from 01.11.2013 to 31.10.2014.

Payment of Salary for the Month of September, 2013

Salaries of all State Govt. Employees, Wages, Honorarium, Stipend and Remuneration of any kind payable monthly may be paid on 27.09.2013.

West Bengal Audit and Accounts Service (Special Recruitment) Examination, 2013

The method of, and the qualifications required for, the Special recruitment to the posts in the cadre of the West Bengal Audit and Accounts Service through the West Bengal Audit and Accounts Service (Special Recruitment) Examination, 2013.

Medical Advance for Outdoor Treatment under WBHS

West Bengal Health Scheme allows to draw medical advance for outdoor treatments relating to B-thallasaemia, Hepatitis C and Carcinoma including Multiple Mycloma.

Submission of Quarterly Expenditure Report on Status of Scheme

Finance Department has now developed a software for capturing Quarterly Expenditure Report for schemes which are being executed under the State Plan by the administrative departments.

Delegation of Power to Release Fund of 13 Finance Commission

Delegation of power to the Administrative Departments for release of fund in respect of grants under the recommendation of the Thirteenth Finance Commission.

Mandatory e-Tendering for Value above 5 Lakhs

E-tendering is made mandatory for tender/ auction valued at and above Rs. 5 lakh. Detailed e-tendering procedure is prescribed in Note-2 below Rule 47(8) of WBFR.

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