West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education looks after the education system in 10+2. Main office at Salt Lake, Kolkata along with 4 regional offices.
For parents not eligible to CCL may submit his/her application through Managing Committee of the said school to the concerned Regional Office of the Council before granting such leave.
There should be 01 (one) invigilator per block of 25 (twenty five) students subjected to a minimum of 02 (two) invigilators in each room/examination hall.
Open the process of online enrolment for the students appearing H.S. Examination, 2025 from 26.12.2024 (Thursday) to 31.12.2024 (Tuesday) with late fine.
Semester II examinations will be held on each day from 3:00 pm to 05:00 pm (02 hours) except Visual Arts, Music and Vocational Subjects.
Supplementary Examination of Semester I is to be conducted by the schools in the month of February, 2025 as per the convenience of the concerned institutions.
The Higher Secondary (Senior Secondary) or 10+2 Course will consist of four parts, i.e. Semester I, Semester II, Semester III and Semester IV.
As directed, I am to inform you that the WBCHSE is going to add new facility in the existing online portal on and from 27th of April, 2023 for submission of Academic Applications.
All Schools with the exception of those in hill areas of Darjeeling and Kalimpong districts, are hereby closed due to prevailing heat wave situation with effect from 17th April, 2023 for one week.
Institutions have to enter the marks of the students of Class-XI Annual Examination by visiting Council online portal from 11.04.2023 to 02.05.2023 using existing login id & password.
WBCHSE is going to introduce a new online portal for submission of academic applications. You are requested to check the details of your Institution as given in the attached document.