
Information Technology and Electronics

Department of Information Technology and Electronics, Government of West Bengal aims to create a robust IT eco-system, to provide seamless and reliable citizen centric services and information for the public.

SNLTR shall take charge for Identities Data Repository of AADHAAR

Department of Information Technology & Electronics hereby establishes Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN) to perform the functions assigned to it under Aadhaar Authentication for Good Governance (Social Welfare Innovation Knowledge) Rule, 2020.

Online Queue Management System for Seamless Movement of Vehicles upto International Border Checkpost

Government of West Bengal to introduce an Online Queue Management System for seamless movement of vehicles upto International Border Checkposts through the proposed Online Queue Management system.

e-Grihanaksha – Online Sanction of Building Plan

WBEIDC shall receive online application for building plan through CAF and shall issue permission/ approvals in the online mode mandatorily through web portal of SWS-OBPAS leveraging the platform e-Grihanaksha.

West Bengal Data Centre Policy, 2021

Governor is pleased to notify the ‘West Bengal Data Centre Policy, 2021’ with the vision of making West Bengal, the most preferred destination for Data Centre Industry in the country.

West Bengal AI-ML Technology Promotion Guidelines, 2020

Guideline in order to support in the process of establishment of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technology (AI-ML) ecosystem and further utilization of this technology and appropriate implementation within the State of West Bengal.

West Bengal Blockchain Technology Promotion Guidelines, 2020

Guidelines to streamline and standardize the process of establishment of the Blockchain technology ecosystem and further utilisation of this technology and appropriate implementation within the State of West Bengal.

West Bengal State Electronic Data Centre Storage Sharing and Electronic Data Retention Guidelines, 2020

Governor is pleased hereby to make the following guidelines in order to bring clarity, simplification and standardization in the process of electronic data storage, data sharing and data retention after the primary objective of electronic data processing has been achieved.

West Bengal State Public Transactional Data Sharing Guidelines, 2020

West Bengal is poised to increase data transparency, accountability, citizen engagement, collaboration, better governance, decision making & innovation.

West Bengal Drone Technology Promotion Guidelines, 2020

Through these guidelines, The Government of West Bengal (GoWB) would be able to leverage drone technology for real-time governance in order to enable effective and efficient service deliver to the citizens.

West Bengal Telecom Infrastructure Guidelines, 2020

West Bengal Telecom Infrastructure Guidelines, 2020 For Clearance and Permission to set up Mobile Tower or Base Tower Station (BTS) and Laying Optical Fibre Cable (OFC).

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