

The aims and objectives of West Bengal Police is to apply the law fairly and firmly in order to prevent and detect crime, and bring to justice those who break the law.

How to remain Cyber-Safe

Eight technology-driven situations to remain cyber-safe. 1. Password Threats, 2. E-Mail Security, 3. Online Scams, 4. Social Networking Risks, 5. ATM Threats, 6. Online Banking, 7. Online Shopping and 8. Mobile Security.

Measures to Prevent Mob Violence and Lynching Incidents

The Superintendent of Police shall collect intelligence reports about the people who are likely to commit such crimes or who are involved in spreading hate speeches, provocative statements and fake news.

DP Rule for Kolkata and West Bengal Police

Commissioner of Police, Kolkata and the Director General & Inspector General of Police, West Bengal is the authority for departmental proceedings for Kolkata and West Bengal Police.

Kolkata Police Stations

Know your Police Station. Police Station Name, Name of the Officer-in-Charge, Phone, Address of all Police Stations in Kolkata and a Map of all Kolkata Police Stations Area.

Short Inspection of Police Units

Supervisory Officer shall make a short Inspection of any one facet of the Police Station working such as pending UD cases, pending complaints, pending W/A, crime, maintenance of any particular Register etc.

Special Operation Group in North Bengal to tackle KLO

Keeping in view the sudden spurt in activities of militant organizations in North Bengal, especially the Kamtapuri Liberation Organization in recent days, it is felt that a dedicated Special Operation Group is the need of the hour to effectively monitor and counter such activities.

Augmentation of Ministerial Staff Strength in Police Dte

Augmentation of 14 different posts of Ministerial Staff comprising 06 posts of Lower Division Assistant, 06 posts of Upper Division Assistant, 01 post of Head Assistant and 01 post of Special Officer in West Bengal Police Directorate for smooth functioning of different wings under its control.

SOP for Investigation of Missing Persons

Investigating Officer shall also examine the friends, teachers, acquaintances, etc. for eliciting information about the missing persons, circumstances in which he or she went missing.

Nodal Officer for Deputation of West Bengal Police

Special Inspector General and Deputy Inspector General of Police (Headquarters), West Bengal will now work as the Nodal Officer in respect of all cases of Central Deputation/ Foreign Deputation/ Deputation to any State Government other than Government of West Bengal.

Protection of Children from Sexual Offences

To provide for the protection of children from the offences of sexual assault, sexual harassment and pornography, while safeguarding the interests of the child at every stage of the judicial process by incorporating child-friendly mechanisms for reporting, recording of evidence, investigation and speedy trial of offences through designated Special Courts.

Village Police Volunteer under West Bengal Police

Governor has been pleased to accord approval for creation and filling up of 3351 posts of Village Police Volunteer under West Bengal Police for deployment in Gram Panchayet areas at a daily wage of Rs. 310/- for 22 days in a month.

Strike related Government Order from Home Department

Attempts at forcible closure of government offices, shops, markets, educational institutions, industrial establishments, etc should be firmly dealt with. All state government offices will remain open on those days and all government employees should report for duty.

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