To ensure universalization of Primary, Elementary, Secondary and Higher Secondary Education and to ensure quality education for Human Resource Development.
Involvement of special educators of SSA with the academic activities of the formal schools of the concerned district with the aim of assuring Inclusive Education in all schools.
In view of the recent heat wave you are authorized to change school hours from the day shift to the morning shift in Primary and Upper Primary Schools in consultation with the Chairman, DPSC and the concerned DI of Schools.
State Government will bear the expenditure if the Government of India stops funding the PBSSM Project before their cessation of engagement attaining 60 years of age.
A teacher appointed prior to 03.09.2001 i.e. the date on which the NCTE Regulations, 2001 came into force will be guided by the prevalent Recruitment Rules of the State Government. Such teachers need not have to upgrade their academic qualifications nor have to acquire teacher training qualification.
(2) Any person shall have a right to inspect the election papers mentioned in the Schedule and to get attested copies thereof on payment of a fee of rupees ten.
Notification for one year Bridge Course Final Examination (ODL Mode), 2012 will be held on and from 21.05.2012 to 25.05.2012 and 28.05.2012 as per following schedule.
School Education Department has created 39510 numbers of additional teaching posts in order to get pupil teacher ratio 40:1 in the schools up to secondary level.
An employee of the institution who is also a guardian, or founder shall be entitled to have his name registered as a guardian or as a founder, but shall not be eligible to stand for election.
The benefit of 18 years of continuous service will be admissible to the teaching and non-teaching employees drawing pay in the revised pay structure up to Pay Band No. 3.
DPSC is hereby pleased to declare that Friday, the 9th March, 2012 as a holiday in addition with Thursday, the 8th March, 2012 in the event of Dolyatra.