
Taskforce under School Education Department

School Education, , 👁️ 209

Various Task Forces constituted to improve the quality and expedite the process of decision making in certain vital areas of concern for School Education.

Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
Bikash Bhaban, Salt Lake, Kolkata- 700 091.

Memo No. 66-SE (Admn)/10M-48/2011, Dated: 12.06.2012


Under this Department Notification No. 1119-SE (Estt.)/10M-27/2011, dated 27.06.11 various Task Forces were constituted to improve the quality and expedite the process of decision making in certain vital areas of concern for School Education. The performance of these Task Forces were recently reviewed and it has been felt that these Task Forces need be reconstituted with expertise outside the Government to make them more representative for effective implementation of the short and long term goals of the Department particularly in view of the statutory provisions under the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009. Accordingly the Governor is pleased to reconstitute the Task Forces under this Department as noted below:-

A. Task Force for enrolment of out of school children/school dropouts.

1. Prof. Manik Bhattacharya, President, WBBPE – Chairman
2. Shri Goutam Majumdar, Addl. SPD, Member – Member-Convener
3. Shri Kartick Manna, Chairman, DPSC, Kolkata – Member
4. Shri Ajay Roy, Chairman, DPSC, Howrah – Member
5. Shri Dibya Gopal Ghatak, DDSE – Member
6. Shri Kamal Kr. Pal, Director, Riddhi Management Services – Member

This Task Force will constantly monitor enrolment/ admission in the schools at field level on the basis of Census, DISE and other available data. They will identify the deficiencies and gaps and will take follow up action to ensure cent percent enrolment at the Elementary stage and to suggest steps for prevention of dropouts.

B. Task Force on Teachers Recruitment Rules and Teachers Eligibility Test

1. Prof. C.R. Mondal, Chairman, West Bengal Central School Service Commission – Chairman
2. Shri S.C.Ghosh, WBCS(Exe), Joint Secretary – Member Convener
3. Shri Debasish Sarkar, DDSE – Member
4. Shri Alok Sarkar, DDSE – Member
5. Prof. Ratna Bagchi (Chakraborty), Secretary, WBBPE – Member
6. Shri Abhijit Saha, ADSE (Law) – Member

The Task Force will consider the existing rules for recruitment of teachers and take up amendment of existing rules. They will identify vacancies in the post of teachers to the WBSSC/ DPSC covering all the schools at primary, upper primary, secondary and higher secondary levels. They will also take up amendment to the recruitment rules for the post of teachers to be appointed in English medium sections of higher secondary schools.

C. Task Force on Review of Curriculum, Syllabus, Text Books and Quality Education

1. Prof. Avik Majumdar, Jadavpur University & Chairman Expert Committee on Revision of School Curricula, Syllabi and Texts – Chairman
2. Prof. Manik Bhattacharyya, President, W.B.B.P.E. – Member
3. Prof. Chaitali Dutta, President, W.B.B.S.E – Member
4. Prof. Mukti Nath Chattejee, President, W.B.C.H.S.E – Member
5. Shri Supriyo Ghosal, OSD to Hon’ble MIC – Member Convener
6. Smt. Rupa Sanyal Bhattacharyya, Principal, South Point High School – Member
7. Smt. Papia Nag, Headmistress, Sakhawat Memorial Govt. Girls High School – Member

The Task Force will take up revision of curriculum, existing syllabus and text books as per recommendation of the Expert Committee. The Task Force will also propose implementation of the provisions of the RTE Act in respect of school working hours, duties and responsibilities of the school authorities and the teachers suggest revision of the existing system of teachers training and evaluation of performance of teachers and incentives and rewards for recognition outstanding performance of teachers. The may also take up with NCERT for suitable guidelines in this regard.

D. Task Force on Development of School Infrastructure

1. Shri Satyen Ghosh, IAS(Retd.), Ex Chairman, Pay Commission – Chairman
2. Smt. Ranu Ghosh, IAS(Retd) – Member
3. Smt. C.D. Lama, SPD, PBSSM – Member Convener
4. Prof. Achin Chakroborty – Member
5. Dr. B B Neogi, Chief Engineer, PWD (Retd) and Chief Engineering Adviser, School Education Deptt.- Member
6. Smt. Swati Bhattacharya, Assistant Editor, ABP Ltd. – Member
7. Shri Rupak Horn Roy, Headmaster, Ballyguange Govt. High School – Member
8. Shri Dabirul Islam, Deputy SPD-II – Member
9. Shri Ashok Maity – Member
10. Shri Kamal Kr. Pal, Director, Riddhi Management Services Pvt. Ltd. – Member

The Task Force will review existing infrastructure of the schools and ensure full implementation of the requirement u/s 6 of the RTE Act and recommend further improvement in this regard in the light of the RTE Act and Rules. They will interact with the District Magistrates and monitor implementation of the construction activities sanctioned under SSA and the State Plan Funds.

E. Taskforce on Mid-Day-Meal

1. Prof. Arun Kumar Chattopadhyay, Chairman, State Advisory Council
2. Prof. Nabinananda Sen
3. Shri S.P. Sinha, Secretary, W.B.B.S.E
4. Chairman, D.P.S.C., Kolkata
5. Chairman, D.P.S.C., North 24 Parganas
6. Chairman, D.P.S.C., South 24 Parganas
7. Headmistress, Bethune Collegiate School
8. Smt. Anuradha Talwar, Advisor to the Commissioners of the Supreme Court
9. Prof. Utpal Roy Chowdhury, Head of the Department, Food Technology & Bio Chemical Engineering Department, Jadavpur University – Member
10. Shri N.N. Barman, PD, MDM – Member Convener

The Task Force will supervise the programme of Mid-day-meal covering all categories of schools and try to identify the schools which fail to introduce mid day meal programme. The will take steps to ensure effective implementation and monitoring of the Programme.

F. Task Force on Budget Monitoring, allocation of fund and Audit matters

1. Shri Ambarish Dasgupta, Executive Director, PWC – Chairman
2. Shri T.K. Adhikari, Joint Secretar – Member Convener
3. Prof. Kunal Ghosh – Member
4. Shri G.P. Sen, OSD & EO DS – Member
5. Shri Nirupam Baneijee, Chatard Accountant – Member
6. Shri Gour Krishna Pattanayek – Member
7. Shri Krishna Damani, Financial Director, South Point School – Member
8. Director of Accounts, School Education, Bikash Bhavan – Member
9. Representative of Principal Accountant General, W.B. – Member
10. Shri Mohan Chattopadhayay, WBA & AS, CFA, PBSSM – Member

The Task Force will review release of funds to different agencies under this Department well ahead of time so that no fund is kept unallocated and unutilized till the end of the financial year. They will also review receipt, release and utilization of fund under different flagship projects of Government of India and recommend timely submission of Utilization Certificate to Government of India for further release of funds. They will also supervise the application of the Fund Monitoring System. The Task Force will also examine the pending audit paras of this Department and different agencies under this department and suggest remedial measures. They will collect pending paras and replies and process them. They will keep liaison with the A.G, W.B. and take action so that replies of pending Audit paras

G. Task Force on implementation of e-Governance scheme

1. Dr. S. K. Chakraborty, Technical Advisor – Chairman
2. Prof. Chandan Majumdar, Jadftvpur University – Member
3. Shri Shiladitya Ganguly – Member
4. Dr. Subir Roy, Pr. Consultant, SeMT, I.T. Department – Member
5. Dr. Subrata Roy Gupta, Sr. Scientist, NIC – Member
6. Shri G.P. Sen, OSD & EO DS – Member Convener

The Task Force will take steps for implementation of e-Governance at the District, Directorate and at the State level.

Each Task Force may co-opt other officials required for discharge of their proper functioning. There may be a coordination meeting with Chairman of all the Task Force with the MIC as well as the Secretary of this Department on the last working Wednesday of each month. It has been decided that each non official Members of the Task Force will be paid a daily allowance of Rs. 600/ per day and the Chairman, if non official, will be paid a daily allowance of Rs. 800/ per day for each meeting of the Task Force. The allowance will be paid from the MME fund of SSM. SPD SSM will also provide for secretarial assistance to each of the Task Forces in discharge of their duties, as and when required.

This Notification shall have immediate effect.

Sd/- Vikram Sen
Principal Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal

No. 66-SE dated 12.06.2012

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