Governor is hereby pleased to direct that henceforth the RTAs of this State will issue/ renew the National Permits to the motor vehicles registered in their respective regions.
A. The colour of the new Metered Taxis shall henceforth be a combination of Navy Blue and White; B. There will be one 10 cm Navy Blue band stretching from the headlight to backlight on both sides of the vehicle;
Governor is hereby pleased to empower the following officers of Public Vehicles Department, Kolkata to act as Taxing Officers, for the region of Kolkata as described in terms of Rule 2(b) of the West Bengal Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, in addition to the existing ones.
Pre-paid Taxi Booths: arrangements of fare charts, service charges, bank accounts and issues related thereto: some revised central principles.
Only distance slabs and corresponding fare rates mentioned for different slabs in a uniform manner for all pre-paid taxi booths in kolkata.
Maximum 10 KM between the garage and the place of reporting or one hour’s hiring charges whichever is convenient to the owner of the vehicle may be allowed.
Governor has been pleased to approve the undernoted revised guidelines to be followed in respect of every government vehicle owned by different Departments or Directorates before the same is condemned.
Determination of the normal age of the state government vehicles to be taken into consideration while condemning them before disposal.