Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 8154-F(Y) Dated: 25.09.2012.
Sub: Deployment of retired persons in Treasuries as Data Entry Operators.
In view of severe shortage in manpower and the increased workload at the treasuries, the Government was for some time past considering inducting some workforce temporarily at the treasuries for smooth and effective functioning of those offices till the existing vacancies are filled up on permanent basis.
2. After careful consideration of the matter, the Governor is pleased to appoint 2 (two) computer savvy retired employees as ‘Data Entry Operator’ at a contractual remuneration of Rs. 10,000/- per month in each treasury of the district where existing vacancy of clerical staff in the treasury is two or more against the sanctioned strength of that treasury.
3. The following guidelines should strictly be adhered to while filling up the above posts.
4. Mode of Recruitment:
a) ‘Open Advertisement’ inviting applications in the prescribed format from the retired employees, who have not yet attained the age of 65 (sixty-five) and have minimum 3 (three) years’ working experience in treasuries, is to be published by giving 15 days’ notice/time at least in two newspapers, one in English and the other in Bengali [Nepali in Hill area] having wide circulation.
b) ‘A District level Selection Committee’ would be constituted by the District Magistrate concerned and the ‘Committee’ would comprise the following Officials:
i) The Additional District Magistrate, preferably in charge of treasuries duly nominated by the District Magistrate as ‘Chairperson’.
ii) A senior officer from the Collectorate, preferably Senior Deputy Collector or any other officer duly nominated by the District Magistrate as ‘Member Secretary’.
iii) A senior Treasury Officer from the district treasury duly nominated by the District Magistrate as ‘Member’.
5. Function of the Selection Committee:
i) The Committee would hold an interview of the applicants with due notice to them and consider their eligibility for the post on examination of their past service records, computer literacy, physical fitness and mental alertness.
ii) The selection committee will prepare a panel of the suitable candidates and submit the same with their recommendations to the District Magistrate concerned. On scrutiny of the recommendations, the District Magistrate shall issue appointment letters to those selected for contractual appointment on a consolidated pay as mentioned at Para 2 above for a period of one year.
6. The persons, so deployed shall exclusively render service to the treasury and shall not be transferred/ posted to any other office.
7. The charge will be debited out of the Budget Provision under the head, “2054-Treasuries and Accounts Administration-00-097-Treasury and Establishment-Non-Plan-001-Other treasuries-02-Wages” during the financial year concerned.
8. This order issues with the concurrence of Group – P (Service) of Finance (Audit) Department under their U.O. No. 1329 dated 10.08.2012.
Sd/- S. K. Paul
Special Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
No. 8154-F dated 25.09.2012
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