Finance, DSC , IFMS đī¸ 357
Procurement of digital signature certificates for TO/ATO, PAO/APAO, and PDO/APDO who are stake holders of e-Pradan module in their capacity as Administrator/operator/user of different function of the module.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 6116-F(Y) Dated, 3rd December, 2014
In the e-Pradan (e-Payment) introduction Order No. 4905-F(Y), dated 17.9.2014, it was stipulated that Treasury Officers (TO)/ Additional Treasury Officers (ATO)/ Pay & Account Officers (PAO)/ Additional Pay & Account Officers (APAO), and Pension Disbursement officer (PDO)/ Assistant Pension Disbursement officer (APDO) of DTA, WB will be the stake holders/users of the e-Pradan module as well. Subsequently, order was issued from Finance Department vide memo. no. 5531-F(Y) dated 5.11.2014 detailing the procedure of procurement of digital signature certificate for the DDO’s and e-NIT authorities. Now, a question has been raised as to how the TO/ATO, PAO/APAO and PDO/APDO will get their digital signature certificates which are necessary for operation of e-Pradan module.
It is clarified that memo no. 5531-F(Y) dt. 5.11.2014 is equally applicable for procurement of digital signature certificates for TO/ATO, PAO/APAO, and PDO/APDO who are stake holders of e-Pradan module in their capacity as Administrator/operator/user of different function of the module.
Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal