
Digital Signature Certificate Registration Authority of NIC

Finance, 👁ī¸ 380

An office of Registration Authority (RA) has been set up at Vidyut Bhavan for processing new Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) applications and renewal of existing DSC.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
325, Sarat Chatterjee Road
Howrah-711 102

No. FS-33/2014 Date: 30.01.2014.

The Additional Chief Secretary/ Principal Secretary/ Secretary,
Govt. of West Bengal.

Sub: Digital Signature Certificate Registration Authority of NIC at Kolkata.


An office of Registration Authority (RA) has been set up by the West Bengal Centre of NIC at Vidyut Bhavan (Gr. Floor), DJ Block, Sector-II, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091 for processing new Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) applications and renewal of existing DSC. You are requested to inform all the subordinate offices under your control to avail this facility of Digital Signature Certificate registration in Kolkata which is expected to curtail the time of getting Digital Signature to a period of 3 to 4 days as intimated by the National Informatics Centre (NIC).

The procedure of getting Digital Signature Certificate as sent to us by the NIC is attached for your information and circulation from your end.

Enclo.: As stated.

Yours faithfully,

Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary

Procedure of Getting Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)

  1. The DSC Request Form can be downloaded from the site http://nicca.nic.in, using the option Download DSC Request Form.
  2. Kindly note that NIC provides DSC only to the Employees of Government Organisations, PSUs and Statutory Bodies.
  3. Completely filled Up DSC Request Form along with photocopies of the Employee Identity Card and PAN Card of the applicant, and Requisite Fee in form of Demand Draft in favour of “National Informatics Centre” payable at Kolkata, is to be submitted at National Informatics Centre (NIC), West Bengal State Centre, Gr. Floor, Vidyut Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700091. Requisite Fee can be found out from the site http://nicca.nic.in using the option View DSC Fee Structure. Applicant should keep other copy of filled up DSC request Form with them for future references.
  4. Application should be verified and Forwarded by NIC Coordinator as mentioned in the Application Form.
  5. For Elected Members of the Statutory Bodies photocopy of Voter ID or any of the other identity Cards mentioned in the application form may submitted as identity proof.
  6. For bulk application User may submit one DD of consolidated amount for all Applicants. User may also submit separate DD for individual Applicant.
  7. After processing of the Application at the RA office one System Generated email will be sent to the Applicant at the email address mentioned in the Application Form informing him User ID & Password and also requesting him to collect the USB token from the RA office. Applicant should fill up the email address clearly in the application form so that email can be properly delivered.
  8. For Class II DSC, Applicant may collect the USB Token personally from NIC WBSC or through representative having proper authorization letter and identity proof (Identity Card). For Class III DSC, applicant has to collect the USB personally.
  9. Applicant should visit the website https://nicca.nic.in and go through Gemalto Token Instruction (For Gemalto Token)/ Moserbaer Token Instruction (For Moserbar Token) and Prerequisites for Token Installation before using the USB Token supplied to them. All the driver software required for installation is also available at https://nicca.nic.in
  10. Help Desk at Pranjali, Hastings, Khidderpore: 033-22236236
  11. Help Desk at Jal Sampad Bhavan: 9051172998 (Mr. Bhaskar Rao)
  12. For further information please visit the site: http: //nicca.nic.in

No. FS-33 dated 30.01.2014, Source

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