
Discontinue Reports/ Registers at Treasuries/PAOs

Finance, , ,

After introduction of IFMS, certain Reports/ Registers maintained in the Treasuries/ PAOs Offices have become redundant and no longer required to be maintained.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 5801-F(Y) Date: 14/09/2017


After introduction of IFMS, certain Reports/ Registers maintained in the Treasuries/ Pay and Accounts Offices as per provisions of the WBTR 2005 have become redundant while some others are no longer required to be maintained in physical form as Centralised Treasury System (CTS) generated soft-copies are adequately catering to the need of preservation of such data. The Government of West Bengal has been actively considering since some time past the issue of synchronising the Treasury Reports/ Registers in this changed scenario to minimise the usage of papers in Treasuries/PAOs.

After careful consideration, the Governor is now pleased to discontinue the maintenance of the Reports/ Registers completely as mentioned herein at List “A” and to discontinue the maintenance of physical form of the Reports/ Registers as mentioned herein at List “B” while system generated reports of the same will continue to be maintained in the CTS module of IFMS.

List “A”: The following Reports/Registers in the Treasuries/PAOs are hereby discontinued completely:

Existing Reports/ Registers as per WBTR 2005Description
Annexure – ARegister for bills received and passed
Annexure – A1Register for bills passed
Annexure – A2Register of Objection Bill
Annexure -DRetrenchment Slip
Annexure -ECheque Memo
Annexure -FRegister showing the distribution of bills among Cheque Writers
Annexure -HNote Book showing the distribution of cheque forms among cheque writers
Annexure -KToken Register
Annexure -LToken Census Register
Annexure -SNote book of ATO Cheque
Annexure – TIntimation to the DDO for issue of Fresh Cheque in lieu of Time-expired/Lost Cheque
Cash BookRegister of daily Receipts and Payments at the Treasury ‘
Appendix 15, Part-B, Annexure – IIIConsolidated Pension Bill-cum-Cheque Slips
Index Register for PPOsIndex Register for PPOs

List “B”: The following Reports/ registers are available in CTS module of IFMS on real time basis. Hence maintenance of such Reports/Registers in physical form in the Treasuries/PAOs is hereby discontinued.

Existing Reports/Registers as per WBTR 2005Description
Annexure – GRegister of Cheques Drawn
Annexure – JRegister of Cheque Delivered
Annexure – UStatement of issue of Fresh Cheque in lieu of Time- expired/Lost Cheque
Allotment RegisterRegister of DDO wise allotment received and consumption
R.B.D. RegisterRegister of daily Bank Scrolls
Annexure – DBank wise Category wise Pension Payment Register

This order issues in the interest of public service and shall take effect from 01.10.2017.

Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi, IAS
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 5801-F dated 14.09.2017, Source