
Duties and Responsibilities of Junior Engineers under PWD

Public Works, , 👁ī¸ 2249

Junior Engineers are responsible for the execution of original/ maintenance works and maintenance of material accounts and public asset with which they are concerned.

Government of West Bengal
Public Works Department
Establishment Branch
Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata-700 001

No. 2117-E-I/2M-41/2017 Dated: 20.06.2017


Junior Engineers are ore of the key elements in the pyramid structured executive unit of the Public Works Department. They are responsible for the execution of original/ maintenance works and maintenance of material accounts and public asset with which they are concerned.

There was no such rules as specified on Duties and Responsibilities of Junior Engineers in PWD Code and/ or other manual which are being followed during execution of works in PWD.

The matter was under active consideration of this department for some time past. Now after careful consideration of the matter, the Governor is pleased to frame over following Duties and Responsibilities of Junior Engineers under the control of this department for the purpose of better and effective execution of works in PWD.

A. General

All the duties as mentioned below are only illustrative and not exhaustive. A Junior Engineer is expected to assist his superior officers in performance of all those duties which he is to assume on his promotion to the post of Assistant Engineer in course of time, and observe and carry out rules and regulations which are specified in PWD Code, WBFR, WBSR and other manuals and also carry out all administrative orders/instructions issued by the Government and higher authorities from time to time.

(a) Duties and responsibilities of the Junior Engineers when posted as supervisor at site or in section:

1. To keep detail history of all roads, culverts, bridges and building which belong to his jurisdiction alongwith Row of Road, conditions of roads, bridges, culverts & buildings.

2. To maintain a register with the work which was executed over the roads, bridges, culverts and building premises or any other structure with relevant data like, Mouza Map, Right of way for road stretches, Road furniture, trees, schematic as well as technical details of the asset, as-built drawings, nature of any work executed over the asset or its portion, date of completion of the work, end date of defect liability period (DLP) according to the contract for said work, condition of the asset during defect liability period, Name of agency with his contract reference. This register will be road wise/ building wise. He is to update asset register on regular basis keeping all relevant drawings linked with the asset in safe custody.

3. To inspect every road/bridge/culvert/building on periodical basis. He should maintain a register to keep record as per his inspection and observation. For road stretches this inspection will be biweekly basis during monsoon period. If he observes any irregularities or any damages or any difficulties at the time of his inspection he should inform it to his higher authorities at once. The recurrence of failure is to be informed to his higher authorities as and when identified.

4. To watch whether any untoward matters including encroachment are going on the roads or building premises. If he observes it, he should take suitable steps towards it and informs to his higher Authority.

5. To prepare all the preliminary & detailed estimates for original works, periodical maintenance, addition and alteration as well as modernization as directed by his higher authorities, inclusive of Scheduled & Non Scheduled items with proper analysis of rates, rough drawing, site plan by collecting engineering data and drawings and submit those estimates to his immediate superior authority for approval from competent authority.

6. To supervise and see that all works under his charge are done according to the specifications, drawings, standards lay down in contract agreement/ tender schedule of works and approved samples by engineer in charge. He is expected to remain at site throughout in order to see that the works are executed properly in accordance with the requirements, standards and approved samples. It is the duty of the Junior Engineer to bring it at once to the notice of immediate superior authority and also make a note in the site order book if any work is not done by a Contractor maintaining stipulated period, specifications, requirement, drawings, standards laid down and approved samples (if any) including quality of materials.

7. To take the level of areas where earthwork or similar type of work is under execution and prepare volumetric calculation sheets for quantitative analysis and lead charts, etc.

8. To carry out test of materials like cement, steel, bitumen, metal, wood, soil, aggregates or any other material as directed by higher authorities and item of works as specified in contract agreement of works, maintain register of testing of each and every item separately, and place to his immediate superior authority to make a note in the register.

9. To arrange and issue materials, T&P to contractors/ works at the proper time so that there is no obstruction in the execution of work.

10. To keep Government materials, T&P in his custody and care; maintain proper accounts of receipts, issues and balances; arrange adequate watch and ward.

11. (i) To record measurements of work in Measurement Book (MB) executed as specified in WBSR Vol-I, Rule 217. He is to measure 100% of the work executed by the agencies, if not mentioned otherwise.

(ii) To prepare abstract of measurements at the time of preparation of bills for payment and submit the Running Account or Final bill within stipulated time in accordance of this Department’s Notification bearing no. 06-W(C)/1M-221/15 dated 16.07.2015.

12. To prepare the theoretical consumption and recovery statements for the material and Tools &Plants supplied to agencies, or other services rendered by the department and send them to the immediate superior authority for effecting recovery.

13. To submit progress report of works as may be required by his superiors and to bring to the notice of his immediate superiors, hindrances to the execution of work, if any.

14. To prepare and maintain the prescribed registers/accounts of Temporary advances; imprest Accounts, Stock account; T&P account; standard MBs, etc.

15. To maintain site order book properly and record/note all instructions in site order book.

16. to inform his immediate superiors regarding any requirement of execution of excess quantity/ supplementary item/ substitute supplementary item in a content well in advance and to prepare the financial implementation statement thereof.

17. To prepare supplementary and substituted items statements; deviation statements; reduction rate statements and revised estimates as and when instructions received from higher authorities.

18. To mark the attendance of Work charged and Regular staffs and other staffs in the register attached with the section office. To arrange for casual labour required for departmental work. To see that the Work-charged staff is properly and fully employed; to watch the out-come and performance of the staffs and labour engaged under him and to send reports as required/ instructed by his immediate superior authority.

19. To submit reports of all accidents/ theft and any other abnormal situation at once and lodge FIR to the Local Police Station if necessary. In case of road the nature and exact location of road accident with all details is to be recorded for identifying black spots.

20. To initiate action for disposal of surplus/unserviceable materials/T&P etc and prepare survey report for sanction from higher authorities.

21. To ensure prompt action on complaints received from higher authorities.

22. To submit occupation and vacation reports of buildings in his charge.

(b) Duties and responsibilities of the Junior Engineers when posted in estimating and quality control section of PLANNING/ DESIGN/ DIVISION/ CIRCLE/ QUALITY CONTROL OFFICES

1. To assist in checking of all type of estimates, DPR in accordance of Designs and drawings and submit them to the higher authority for sanction/ process.

2. Carrying out of survey work of areas for development and preparation of Survey plans.

3. Custody of Mathematical and survey instruments, tools and plant including their receipt and issue and maintenance of their account.

4. Carrying out Laboratory test on materials such as cement, steel, timber, metal, soil, aggregates or any other material as directed by higher authorities.

5. Carrying out field tests on soils etc. as directed by higher authorities.

6. To prepare estimates as directed by his higher authority and submit them to the higher authority for sanction.

7. To assist in checking of Schedule of Rates, Analysis of rates and specification of schedule of works.

8. To assist in preparation and checking of Specifications of work.

9. To assist in checking of theoretical consumption of materials.

10. To assist in checking of supplementary, substituted and deviation item statements.

11. To assist in checking of survey reports, uploading of tenders in website.

12. To assist in examination of cases relating to approval of materials.

13. To assist in examination of cases relating to wages of labour.

14. To assist in uploading data in the ‘SAMIKSHA’ web portal or any other e-media as directed by higher authorities.

15. Assist in carrying out valuation of buildings.

(c) The duties of Junior Engineers employed on the Stores work are as follows:-

1. To take delivery of materials/ T&P in time, check them and report shortages/ breakages to higher authorities.

2. To act as custodian of materials/ T&P; to arrange for their proper storage,

3. To issue materials/ T&P

4. To maintain proper accounts of materials/ T&P as required.

5. To submit accounts/returns as and when required.

6. To ensure proper watch and Guard arrangements for materials/ T&P.

7. To mark the attendance of staffs under him and to supervise their works.

8. To verify bills of suppliers.

9. To initiate action for disposal of surplus/unserviceable materials/ T&P.

10. Submit reports of thefts/accidents.

11. Maintain proper account of temporary advances and imprest accounts.


In addition to the above duties as specified above under head “GENERAL”, the Junior Engineer (Electrical), posted at Section will have to perform the following duties.

1. To submit single line diagram and electrical layout plan with all preliminary/ detailed/ revised estimate.

2. To maintain Register for Inspection & Testing of Buildings in his section in the prescribed form and bring it to the notice of the superior officers if any defect or unsafe condition is noticed in the electrical system/ air-conditioning system/ lift/fire detection system/ or any other electrical equipment and machineries at the time of Inspection & Testing.

3. To take prompt action on complaints received from the occupying authority. He will assess the quantum of repairing needed in Fans/Motors/Generators/Lift and other Electrical equipment and submit estimate along with report to his immediate superior authority for proper repairing and renovation.

4. To be the custodian of the electrical maintenance materials, electrical equipment, T & P, materials to be used in the original work and submit codified returns to his higher authority.

5. To check and prepare the electric bills for various consumers in the building (where HT supply has been provided) with the assistance of the Work Assistant and/or other staff and to send them to the respective authorities for payment /recovery for.

6. To check the Electricity bill submitted by the Electrical Distribution Company to the different consumer under his jurisdiction so as to asses that the electrical installation system of the building is functioning properly.

7. To maintain arrangement for first aid in his office and field offices under his administrative control for giving primary aid to the injured staff .

C. The Junior Engineers are not to be empowered on any of the following duties:-

1. To approve or reject any work done by a contractor.

2. To authorize any deviations or alterations from or additions to what is included in the contract.

3. To condemn or declare any building/structure/installation as unsafe. He should only inform the occupants of any danger and report the case to higher authorities for orders.

4. To reply to audit objections or furnish reports other than those of factual nature concerning his charge but he will assist his superior officers in this work.

D. This order will act with immediate effect.

By order of the Governor

Sd/- Indevar Pandey
Principal Secretary to
the Government of West Bengal

No. 2117-E dated 20.06.2017

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