
Duties and Responsibilities of Para Teacher, VRP, Siksha Bandhu

School Education, , , 👁ī¸ 2254

Child tracking means tracking students who absent themselves from schools by visiting their houses and meeting their family and trying to bring them back to school.

1. Duties & Responsibilities of Para Teachers

A. Remedial Teaching:-

Concerned teacher shall identify the weaker/ slow learner and prepare list of such students. The list shall be shared among all the teachers of the school. While conducting classes, special attention shall be given to such learners in the forms of remedial teaching. The HM and other senior & experienced teachers shall guide the para teachers in this exercise.

B. Child Tracking:-

(i) Child tracking means tracking students who absent themselves from schools by visiting their houses and meeting their family and trying to bring them back to school. That will be the job of the para teachers for the two days of the week earmarked for child tracking.

(ii) During MTA/ SLMC/ VEC/ WEC meeting, the para teachers shall share the names of listed students, their efforts & results and further efforts required from the community in this regard.

C. Teaching Learning Materials:-

For child-centric and activity-based classroom transactions to ensure active participation, growing interest and better comprehension of lessons by the young learners, proper use of proper TLMs is most important. So preparation of low/ no cost TLMs using locally available raw materials involving the students by the teachers have to be ensured. The para teachers may prove crucial in procuring local materials and in involving the students under the guidance of HM & other senior and experienced teachers. Again the HM/ senior teachers may help the para teachers in the use of proper TLMs in a proper way in the classroom.

Scientific preparation, proper use and liberal handling of TLMs by the teachers as well as students shall improve academic performance, arrest irregular attendances by growing interest and making school experience lively and interesting to the students.

D. Attendance and number of periods of Para Teachers:-

(i) Number of periods in school routine shall not exceed 16 in 4 days of the week when a para teacher attends school. However, stop-gap classes may be allotted to para teachers as well under unavoidable circumstances, over and above the 16 periods as stated above. On school days, the para teachers are to remain in school for the total schooling hours.

(ii) For the 2 days when the para teachers are not attending school, but tracking children in the locality, they shall maintain a diary and need not sign the school attendance register. This work diary shall be placed to the HM/ Head Teacher of the school every week with copy to the S.I./ A.I. of the respective CLRCs.

2. Duties & Responsibilities of VRPs

During class transaction what are by VRPs:

The most important aspect of ILIP-Scenario is perhaps to ensure quality outcome of teaching-learning process. By providing a supportive environment where the classroom is more inviting, caring and child friendly. There are things the child can do by himself/ herself; there are the things the child can possibly cannot be able to do, and between them both, there are the things the child can do with the adult guidance and support. Such adult assistance helps them to internalize the procedures and make them self-relent. In this context, the VRP will have to keep a track for very child in a classroom transaction.

Other responsibilities

3. Duties & Responsibilities of Siksha Bandhu

A. Role at a glance

B. Teachers training (pedagogy)

The Shiksha Bandhu will take part in the different workshop of CLRC/CRC both as an organizer and resource persons at primary level. They also should help the teacher in classroom transaction for fruitful implementation of Pedagogical training.

C. Community Mobilization:

D. Civil works.

E. Alternative Education:


G. Girls education:

H. Innovative activities

To help them for completion of taking various activities at the State level, Districts, Circle level.

I. Planning Monitoring, Research & evaluation.

Annexure of No. 886-SE dated 16.11.2010


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