e-Tender/ e-Auction is mandatory and the Managing Director, Commissioner/ Chief Executive Officer/ Executive Officer/ Finance Officer/ Secretary and other office bearers will be held responsible.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 4884-F(Y) Date: 15.09.2016
Sub: e-Tendering/ e-Auction
E-Tendering for State Government offices and State PSUs, Local Bodies, Autonomous Bodies, parastatals etc. through centralized e-Tender/ e-Auction portal of the State Government [https://wbtenders.gov.in] for tenders with value above Rs. 50 lakh was made mandatory under FD Notification No. 5400-F(Y) dated 25.06.2012. Subsequently, the base level for mandatory e-Tendering process was reduced from Rs. 50 lakh to Rs. 5 lakh under FD-Notification No. 6932-F(Y) dated 29.08.2013.
It has however come to the notice of the Government that Some of the State PSUs, Local Bodies, Autonomous Bodies, parastatals etc. are still not following the e-Tender/ e-Auction procedure as prescribed in the above mentioned GOs.
Under such circumstances, it is reiterated that the e-Tender/ e-Auction procedure as prescribed in FD Notification No. 5400-F(Y) dated 25.06.2012, No. 3739-F(Y) dated 03.05.2012 and No. 6932-F(Y) dated 29.08.2013 is mandatory and the Managing Director, Commissioner/ Chief Executive Officer/ Executive Officer/ Finance Officer/ Secretary and other office bearers of such organisations will be held responsible if the proper e-Tender/ e-Auction procedure is not observed in such institutions.
The Secretary of the Departments concerned are requested to circulate this order to all the parastatals under their departments and also monitor/ensure that e-Tender/ e-Auction are followed by all such parastatals.
Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal