Notice regarding the Eligibility and procedure for online admission to Two Year D.El.Ed. Course (Regular/ Face to face mode) for the session 2018-2020.
West Bengal Board of Primary Education
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan
DK 7/1, Sector II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700091
No. 924/BPE/2018 Date: 12.06.2018
Notice regarding the Eligibility and procedure for admission to Two Year D.El.Ed. Course (Regular/ Face to face mode) for the session 2018-2020
Online applications are invited for admission to Two Year D.El.Ed. Course (Regular/ Face to Face Mode) of the Session 2018-2020 in the NCTE-recognized and WBBPE-affiliated institutes of the state of West Bengal. Given below are eligibility conditions and procedures for such online admission :
The Eligibility and Admission procedure:
1) Intake capacity:
The intake capacity of each institution will be as per the approval of the NCTE and that is displayed against each institute.
2) Eligibility and Reservation:
i. Should be an Indian citizen.
ii. Should pass the H.S (+2) Examination or its equivalent from any recognized Board/ Council/ University with at least 50% marks in the aggregate/ aggregate of the best five. There is, however, a relaxation of 5% marks for the applicants belonging to SC/ST/OBC-A/OBC-B/PH/Ex-Serviceman categories. Where there is no aggregate marks, 50%/ 45% of the total of the best five scores excluding EVS (where it is not an elective subject) for eligibility will be counted.
Note: The entry qualifications of the applicants belonging Ex-Serviceman shall be determined in terms of the memo of the School Education Department no. 598-SE(EE)/PTTI-16/17 dated 08.09.2017 read with the clarification of MHRD memo no. F.No. 1-22/2012-EE-4(P) dated 23.08.2017, if required i.e. if the applicant does not have 50%/45% marks in H.S. (+2) examination.
iii. Should not be above 35 years of age (40 years of age for SC/ST/PH and 38 years for OBC-A & OBC-B) as on 01.07.2018.
Note 1: This upper age limit is not applicable for the in-service teachers, appointed before 03.09.2001.
Note 2: Ex-Serviceman-candidates shall get the benefit of age relaxation as per rules.
iv. Must have studied and passed at the Higher Secondary level Bengali/ Hindi/ Urdu/ Nepali as a compulsory subject, carrying the weightage of 100 marks for admission to Bengali/ Hindi/ Urdu/ Nepali medium Institutions (as the case may be). Must have studied English of 100 marks as the Second/other language.
v. Reservation of seats shall be made as per the State Government norms.
vi. For Vocational-course-pass applicants:
a) 4% (i.e. two out of fifty) of the seats shall be earmarked for applicants coming from the Vocational Stream Course (+2 Level) under any recognized Board/ University/ Council or its equivalent, regardless of categories.
b) Such vocational-course-pass applicants must have studied at least two languages including English at the +2-stage.
c) Such vocational-course-pass applicants should score at least 50% marks at the H.S. (+2) Examination.
d) Such vocational-course-pass applicants, however, shall not be eligible for other seats under any condition of backwardness or physical disability.
e) Vocational course candidates shall have to upload both the Class XI and XII marksheets, if required, to show marks obtained in the languages. In such cases both the marksheets have to be clubbed and uploaded.
vii. 5 (five) seats in D.I.E.Ts, Govt./ Govt. Sponsored/ Govt. Aided Primary Teachers’ Training Institutes will be kept reserved for in-service primary teachers, appointed before 03.09.2001 and having 50% or 45% (as the case may be) at the H.S. (+2) Examination. Such teachers will have to be duly deputed by the competent authority.
In case of non-availability of such candidates the seats shall be filled up from among the wait-listed candidates in order of merit as per reservation rules.
viii. Ten (10) percent of the total intake of a Self-financed Non-Government unaided Institution shall be reserved under ‘Management Quota’. No such reservation will be there in case of a Government/ Government Sponsored/ Govt. Aided institution. In case of such reservations, admission procedures and other terms and conditions for admission, as prescribed, should also be maintained strictly. A separate merit list for this category will be prepared and maintained.
ix. Calculation of Merit: The name of the examination should be Higher Secondary or as mentioned in the Mark-sheet of other recognized Boards or Councils. The total marks obtained should be the aggregate of the best five, where applicable, including First or Second Language or both (as the case may be) but excluding EVS (where it is not an elective subject).
[For example: A student has passed the Higher Secondary Examination with following scores:
Language I – 60 Language II – 81 Political Science – 68 Geography – 82 History – 62
Philosophy (Optional Elective) – 74 EVS – 88 (not an Elective Subject)
Now the calculation of percentage shall be made on the basis of the best five scores, e.g. {(82+81+74+68+62)/5} = 367/5 = 73.4%
Notable: The marks of EVS which is not an Elective Subject, has not been taken for calculation of percentage.
Note: For determination of minimum eligibility the Grand Total marks (where applicable) will be converted into percentage. In such cases 500 (five hundred) or 450 (four hundred fifty) (as the case may be) out of 1000 (one thousand) shall mean 50 percent or 45 percent respectively.
x. Application Procedure:
(a) The Admission Notification will be published by the Board in the daily newspapers and official websites of this Board and Department of School Education for the admission to the affiliated institutes, inviting online applications, mentioning the opening and closing dates of submission of online applications. The names, addresses, intake capacity, medium of instruction, the eligibility criteria and reservation policies along with the type of the respective institutions (Male/ Female/ Co-Ed) will be available at the time of online application.
(b) The Board will notify the websites through which the applicants seeking admission will submit their online applications for the institution/ institutions of their choice, upon fulfilment of the conditions.
(c) After the closing of the process of submission of the online applications, the respective Heads of the Institutions will verify the testimonials of the applicants online as per rules and will authenticate the applications of eligible applicants submitted online, within a specified period as per the notification of the Board.
The application submitted by an ineligible candidate will be rejected with reason/s by the concerned institutions.
(d) The Board on receipt of such online authentication-reports will approve the list/s on the basis of merit i.e. marks obtained in qualifying H.S. or its Equivalent examination of the applicants, for admission to the respective institutions.
(e) Any application submitted in violation of the aforesaid procedure by any candidate to any institute for admission will be treated as invalid.
(f) The affiliated institutes should follow the admission procedure prescribed herein above and will admit applicants from the merit list/s approved by the Board on verification and scrutiny of the original testimonials of the applicants.
(g) In case of any violation of the admission procedure on the part of the affiliated institutions, the admission of the candidates to those institutions will be cancelled by the Board.
xi. Disciplinary actions:
Any institute found to be admitting or have admitted any student/s in violation of the aforesaid Rules and Regulations of the Board, will be disaffiliated (deaffiliated).
xii. Fees Structure:
a. Application Fees: Fees for application Rs. 300/- (Rupees three hundred) only and Rs. 150/- (Rupees one hundred and fifty) only for SC/ST/PH. Application fee for Vocational Category seats, In-Service & Ex-Serviceman categories is Rs. 300/- (three hundred) only.
b. Course Fee: The Course Fee for a Government Institution shall be as per the existing fees-structure of the West Bengal Board of Primary Education.
For the Un-aided Self-financed Non-Government Institutions it shall be @ Rs.12,000/- (Rupees twelve thousand) only per quarter in addition to Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees one thousand) only per month as Hostel Fees.
Sd/- Secretary
West Bengal Board of Primary Education