
Enhancement of Professional Fees of Contractual IT Personnel

PAR, , 👁ī¸ 575

Government is hereby pleased to allow 3% yearly enhancement of professional fee/ remuneration of the contractual IT personnel.

Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms
(e-Governance Cell)
5, Council House Street, (3rd Floor), Kolkata-1

No. 85-PAR-23012/10/2020-eGov Dated: Kolkata, the 6th April, 2023.


Sub: Enhancement of Professional Fees/ Remuneration of Contractual IT Personnel.

The question of enhancement of Professional fee/remuneration of the IT personnel brought under Notification No. 192-IT/06/2020/P&AR-e-Gov, dated 16/10/2020 has been under active consideration of the Government for some time past.

Now, after careful consideration of the matter, the undersigned is directed to say that the Government is hereby pleased to allow 3% yearly enhancement of professional fee/ remuneration of the contractual IT personnel who have come under P&AR Deptt.’s Notification No. 192-IT/06/2020/P&AR-e-Gov dated 16/10/2020 on 1st July every year provided that concerned employee has completed 6 (six) months or more from the date of initial engagement. The IT personnel, who are covered under the said notification and already in receipt of yearly enhancement of professional fee/ remuneration, will continue to receive the annual enhancement allowed to them.

This order is issued with the concurrence of the Finance Department vide their U.O. No. Group P2/2022-2023/0981 dated 23/3/2023.

Special Secretary
to the Govt. of West Bengal

No. 85-PAR dated 06.04.2023

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