
Enhancement of Remuneration of Part Time Group-D Employees

Finance, ,

Governor has been pleased to decide that the remuneration of the part time Group-D employees, employed throughout/ not throughout the year, paid out of contingency shall be Rs. 3,000/- only per month with effect from 01.11.2022.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department, Audit Branch
325, S.Chatterjee Road, Howrah – 711 102
Email ID: finreceipt-wb@bangla.gov.in

No.: 4795-F(P1) Dated: 29.11.2022.

The question of enhancement of remuneration of the part time Group-D employees, employed throughout/ not throughout the year, paid out of contingency was under consideration of the Government for some time past.

  1. After careful consideration of the matter, the undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to say that the Governor has been pleased to decide that the remuneration of the part time Group-D employees, employed throughout/ not throughout the year, paid out of contingency shall be Rs. 3,000/- only per month with effect from 01.11.2022.
  2. This is issued in partial modification of the memo No. 3727-F dated 20.05.2009 and in supersession of Memo No. 8662-F dated 07.09.2009.

Sd/- Saibal Barman
Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 4795-F dated 29.11.2022, Source

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