
Files to be Sent to Finance Deptt. through WFTS

Finance, 👁️ 245

All departments and directorates/ bodies under their control should adopt WFTS at the earliest. From 1st July, 2014, files sent to the Finance Department using WFTS will only be received by the Finance Department.

Government of West Bengal
Finance (Audit) Department
Nabanna, Mandirtala Howrah – 711102

No. 3104-F(H) Dated, Howrah, the 13th June, 2014


The web-enabled application software “Workflow based File Tracking System” (WFTS) has been developed for implementation within the State Government Departments to track the movement of files (intra & inter office-wise) for speedy decision making at all levels in different departments and its subordinate offices, Agencies, Corporations, Boards, etc. As this is a web-enabled online application, it facilitates to track files at anytime from anywhere. There are some key features such as online receiving of incoming files, electronic movement of files through workflow process and online despatch of files etc. among some other equally important features.

The State Government has attached highest priority in the implementation of WFTS for better management, of tracking files and bringing all round efficiency through speedy decision making.

It has been seen that many departments and the directorates under their control have already adopted WFTS. But some Departments and Directorates are yet to implement WFTS. A list of such departments/sub-ordinates offices is enclosed for ready reference. Also, the departments which have adopted WFTS are not using the system while sending it to the Finance Department. Files are being sent manually to the Finance Department, which frustrates the basic objective of introducing the WFTS.

It has been decided that all departments and directorates/ bodies under their control should adopt WFTS at the earliest. It has also been decided that, from 1st July, 2014, files sent to the Finance Department using WFTS will only be received by the Finance Department.

Except in extreme exigency, no file will be received by the Finance Department from 1st July, 2014 which has not been sent to the Finance Department using WFTS.

Enclo: as stated above on overleaf.

Sd/- H K Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

Departments and Sub-ordinate offices which have not introduced the WFTS as on date

14th State Finance commission, W.B.
2Civil Defence
3Council of Ministers
4Education (Higher)
5Home (Commonwealth Relations)
6Home (Correctional Administration)
7Home (Passport)

No. 3104-F dated 13.06.2014, Source

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