Financial Power of various designated Officers for sanctioning cost of medical attendance and treatment is increased making amendment to the clause 13 (3) of the West Bengal Health Scheme, 2008.
Government of West Bengal Finance Department Audit Branch Medical Cell
No. 4201-F (MED) Date: 13.08.2014
The proposals to increase the Financial Power of various designated Officers for sanctioning cost of medical attendance and treatment as already delegated in terms of clause 13(3) of the West Bengal Health Scheme, 2008 have been received from different departments for some time past in view of the present market price as well as the heavy work pressure at the level of Directorates and Departments in processing such cases.
Now considering the aforesaid aspects the undersigned is directed by the order of the Governor to say that the Governor has been pleased to make amendment to the clause 13 (3) of the West Bengal Health Scheme, 2008 to revise the Financial Power for sanctioning cost of medical attendance and treatment in the manner and subject to the limits given hereunder:-
Existing Power Delegated (In terms of Clause 13. of W.B.H.S-2008)
Revised Financial Power (as amended)
Indoor Treatment
Indoor Treatment
1. Secretariat Office. a) Departmental Secretary b) Special Secretary/ authorised Joint Secretary in absence of Special Secy.
Full Power
Full Power
Rs. 50,000/-
Rs. 5000/-
Rs. 1.00 Lakh
Rs. 10,000/-
2. Head of Directorate
Rs. 50,000/-
Rs. 5000/-
Rs. 1.00 Lakh
Rs. 10,000/-
3. Head of Office (Below the rank of Director)
Rs. 30,000/-
Rs. 3000/-
Rs. 50,000/-
Rs. 5,000/-
By Order of the Governor
Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi Principal Secretary to the Government of West Bengal