
Functions of the Tender Committee – Public Works Rules 1987

Public Works,

Tender Committee was required to evaluate the tender in respect of work estimated to cost more than Rs. 50 lac (enhanced limit) on the cost of which may exceed the estimated amount by 3%.

Government of West Bengal
Public Works Department
Accounts Branch

No. 340-A/PW/O/4A-15/07 Dated: 09.06.2007.


Sub: Instructions to the Tender Committees.

In terms of Rule 17 of the Public Works Rules 1987 a number of Tender Committee have been constituted in Public Works Directorate & P.W.(Roads) Dte. for evaluation of the tenders.

2. In continuation of this Deptt.’s Circular no. 83-A/1T-46/98, dtd. 11.03.99, the Tender Committee was required to evaluate the tender in respect of work estimated to cost more than Rs. 50 lac (enhanced limit) in accordance with the Notification No. 43-CRC, dtd. 31.07.2000, or more, the cost might exceed the limit of contigency.

3. It has come to the notice of the Govt. that, in several cases, the Chairman of the Tender Committee authorises the concerned Superintending Engineers to operate the tenders in anticipation of Govt. approval. This shall be avoided unless the work is considered an extremely urgent and justified with proper reasons.

4. After careful consideration it is further instructed that the following particulars /information are to be furnished alongwith observations of the Tender Committee to the Govt.

a) stipulated time of the completion of work.

b) Address of Tenderer whose tender is recommended for acceptance is to be mentioned in the minutes.

The instructions are to be strictly followed in both Publlc Works and Public Works (Roads) Directorates.

Engineer-in-Chief & Ex. officio
Secretary, P.W. Department.

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Government of West Bengal
Public Works Department
Accounts Branch

No. 83-A/1T-46/98 Dated: 11.03.1999.


Sub: Functions of the Tender Committee.

In terms of Rule 17 of the Public Works Rules 1987, the Tender Committee is required to evaluate tenders in respect of any work which is estimated to cost more than Rs. 20 lacs (enhanced limit) On the cost of which may exceed the estimated amount by 3%.

2. A number of Tender Committee has been constituted in Public Works Directorate and P.W.(Roads) Directorate for evaluations of the tenders for such work mentioned above. It has been observed that the different Tender Committees are functioning differently in absence of any guideline/circular in this matter.

3. After threadbare discussion with the Chief Engineers and Addl. Chief Engineers of all the Directorates under Public Works Department, a guideline for evaluation of tender has been prepared and finalised. It has also been decided that the said guideline should be circulated amongst the Chief Engineers, Adll. Chief Engineers and Superintending engineers of all the Directorate for taking uniform action in respect of evaluation of Tender.

4. The following points/ particulars are to be observed/examined in the Tender Committee meeting:-

a) Administrative approval.
b) Technical Sanction.
c ) Allotment of fund cash flow year wise, if available.
d) NIT and Corrigendum, if any.
e) Particulars relating to publication of NIT to Newspapers in which tender notice was published.
f) Date of tender submission.
g) Validity period of offer.
h) No. of applications received for tender papers.
i) exemption of earnest money if it is notified in the Tender Notice.
j) No. of permission issued by the Tender Authority & No. of tenders sold.
k) No. of tenders dropped.
l) Checking of comparative statement.
m) Provision of price escalation clause.
n) In case of bid, all original tenders are to be invited with recorded acknowledgement to participate in the bid.

5. The time frame of work from the date of receipt of the tender upto the issue of G .O. with the direction to issue work orders for the work was discussed and accepted. The Superintending Engineer will submit all papers to the Chairman within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of receipt of the tender and the Chairman of the Tender Committee would send the recommendation to the Chief Engineer as will as to the Govt. after due evaluation within 10 (ten) days from the receipt of the tender from the Superintending Engineer.

6. On receipt of recommendation, Govt. would send the approval of the tender within 15 (fifteen) days. If the case requires the concurrence of the Finance Deptt., the Administrative Deptt. should made all out effort to get the approval from the Finance Deptt. within 1 and 1/2 month from the date of receipt of the recommendation of the Tender Committee.

7. In case of urgency, the Chairman of the Tender Committee can, in anticipation of the sanction of the Govt. authorise the Superintending Engineer concerned to issue work orders in any case where the Committee has resolved to recommend the acceptance of any particular tender and its acceptance by Govt. in the P.W.D. does not require the concurrence of or consultation with the Finance Deptt., in that case the Chairman of the Tender Committee will record their views about the urgency of the work.

Engineer-in-Chief & Ex. officio
Secretary, P.W. Department.

No. 340-A/PW dated 09.06.2007 and No. 83-A dated 11.03.1999