
Bid Evaluation Committee and Financial Information of the Bidders

Public Works, , 👁️ 393

Governor is further pleased to direct that a Bid Evaluation Committee (BEC) be constituted under Superintending Engineers who are the tender inviting authorities for all works beyond the tender accepting power of Executive Engineers.

Update: Modification of No. 45-W(C)/1M-23/15 dated 13.02.2015

Government of West Bengal
Public Works Department
Works Branch

No. 45-W(C)/1M-23/15 Dated: 13/02/2015


Subject: Bid evaluation committee and financial information of the bidders

It has been observed that different tender inviting authorities are employing Chartered Accountants to assess financial capability of the bidders for evaluation of technical bids of any works. Evaluation of technical bids of agencies for public work is the responsibility of tender inviting authorities, which cannot be delegated to any Chartered Accountant, who is only working in private capacity. This practice leads to extra time in evaluation and at times, incorrect assessments of financial eligibility of the bidders lead to grievance and litigation. To avoid such problems the procedure to assess financial capability of the bidders by tender inviting authorities needs to be standardised.

2. Accordingly, based on the recommendations of the Chief Engineers’ Committee, the Governor is pleased to prescribe a format of Declaration in respect of financial information of the bidders to evaluate their financial capability along with detailed procedure to assess bid capacity of bidders according to the financial declaration furnished by them enclosed herewith as Annexure – A.

3. The Governor is further pleased to direct that a Bid Evaluation Committee (BEC) be constituted under Superintending Engineers who are the tender inviting authorities for all works beyond the tender accepting power of Executive Engineers.

The members of Bid Evaluation Committee would comprise of the following officials –

(i) Superintending Engineer – Chairperson & Convenor

(ii) Concerned Executive Engineer

(iii) TA to Suptd. Engineer of concerned circle or Any other Executive Engineer of the Circle.

(iv) Divisional Accounts Officer/ Divisional Accountant.

4. The Bid Evaluation Committee would do the technical and financial evaluations of the bidders for different types of works and make recommendations to the tender accepting authority.

All concerned should follow the aforesaid guidelines in all future NITs.

By order of the Governor,

Principal Secretary to the
Govt. of West Bengal
Public Works Department

No. 45-W dated 13.02.2015, Source