
Further Ad-hoc increase in Wages of Daily Rated Workers, 2014

Urban Development and Municipal Affairs, , , 👁️ 172

A further ad-hoc increase in the existing daily rate of wages by Rs. 13/- only with effect from January 01, 2014 for the daily rated workers under the Governor whose wages are not regulated by any statutory provisions like the Minimum Wages Act, etc.

Government of West Bengal
Department of Municipal Affairs
Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata – 700 001

No. 112/MA/N/C-2/1G-10/2011, Dated, Kolkata the 24th December, 2013

From: B.N. Das
Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal,

To: The Chairman /Chairperson,
………………………………. Municipality
P.O. ……………………… District ………………………..

Subject: Further ad-hoc increase in the wages of Daily Rated Workers with effect from 01.01.2014.

The undersigned is directed to refer to memo no. 8840-F (P2) dated 16.12.2013 issued by Finance Department on the above mentioned subject stating that “the Governor has also been pleased to decide that there will be a further ad-hoc increase in the existing daily rate of wages by Rs. 13/- (Rupees thirteen) only with effect from January 01, 2014 for the daily rated workers under the Governor whose wages are not regulated by any statutory provisions like the Minimum Wages Act, etc.” with the request to ensure proper implementation of the Government Order regarding enhancement of wages of daily rated workers.

As stated in the said order it is also informed that no additional financial assistance will be provided to the Urban Local Bodies in this regard and the additional expenditure should be borne by Urban Local Bodies themselves out of their own resource or out of financial assistance provided for them from the budgetary provision of this department.

Sd/- B.N. Das
Joint Secretary

No. 112/MA dated 24.12.2013