
Further Measures to Facilitate COSA implementation

Finance, 👁️ 198

A few DDO’s are yet to start generation of salary bills through COSA. They are allowed to submit salary bills in hard copies upto August, 2013.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 5655-F(Y), Dated, 15th July, 2013


Sub: Further measures to facilitate COSA implementation.

A number of Government orders were issued from Finance Department on ‘COSA’ (Computerisation of Salary Accounting) and a number of facilitative measures were taken by Finance Department vide FD memo no. 1829-F(Y) dt. 01.03.2012 to create an enabling situation for the DDO’s to adopt the said application software. While most of the DDO’s have availed themselves of the enabling and facilitative measures and started generation of salary bills through ‘COSA’ software by the dateline fixed in the FD memo no. 1829-F(Y) dt. 01.03.2012, a few DDO’s are yet to start generation of salary bills through the application software. In order to enable the DDO’s lagging behind in ‘COSA’ software implementation further faciltative steps appear to be necessary.

The undersigned is, therefore, directed by order of the Governor to take the following further measures in addition to those taken vide memo no. 1829-F(Y) dt. 01.03.2012.

1. Salary bills of State Government offices:

i. The DDO’s of State Government offices, who are yet to start generation of soft copy of salary bills through ‘COSA’, are allowed to submit salary bills in hard copies in ‘COSA’ format upto the month of August, 2013 (i.e., upto the salary bills related to August, 2013);

ii. All the DDO’s should invariably submit salary bills in ‘COSA’ format, both soft copies and hard copies, thereafter to the Treasury/ Pay & Accounts office;

iii. ‘Head of office’ may purchase computers and peripherals for the purpose in exercise of the power delegated to him in para 7 of F.D. memo no. 1829-F(Y) dt. 01.03.12, in anticipation of allotment, in case of its shortfall.

2. Salary bills under Grant-in-aid:

i. Process for generation of Salary bills under Grant-in-aid related to non-Government secondary schools, Panchayat Samiti and Zilla Parishads having been completed, such bills related to those offices, once generated through ‘COSA’ by the DDO and presented in hard copy and soft copy will be accepted by the Treasury/ Pay & Accounts office.

Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 5655-F dated 15.07.2013, Source

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