Institute Data Verification for Online Submission of Academic Application

West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education
Vidyasagar Bhavan
9/2, Block DJ, Sector-II, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 91

No: L/Secy/46/2023 Date: 17/03/2023


Attention: All Heads of Higher Secondary Institutions

As notified earlier vide Notification Memo No. L/Secy/006/23 dated 16/01/2023, the Council is going to introduce a new online portal for submission of academic applications. You are requested to check the details of your Institution as given in the attached document. This is very urgent for the smooth running of the new online portal, which would be operational very shortly.

The said document is sorted in ascending order of the Institution Code. In absence of accurate information, the schools themselves would face problems in submitting applications through online interface. So, in case any inaccurate information is found against any Institution or any field is found vacant, please share the correct information with us through a mail to Please mention correct Institution Code in the mail and attach the requisite supporting documents.

Sd/- Tapas Kumar Mukherjee
Secretary, WBCHSE

No. L-Secy-46 dated 17.03.2023, Source

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