
Introduction of New Housing and Medical Benefits

Finance, , 👁️ 221

The State Government with the objective of promoting the welfare of State Government Employees and improve their health and housing benefits has decided to introduce the following measures:

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department

No. 2089-F.B. Dated: 28.02.2014.



The State Government with the objective of promoting the welfare of State Government Employees and improve their health and housing benefits has decided to introduce the following measures:

1. Introduction of a new Scheme ‘AKANKSHA’ for housing of Government Employees.

The State Government has decided to introduce a new housing scheme named “AKANKSHA” for providing House Building Loan to the State Government Employees with an initial provision of Rs. 100 Crore.

The State Government will also provide land for housing free of cost in different locations. The employees will either construct their own houses after obtaining loans from the State Government /Banks/ Financial Institution or have Government agencies build on their behalf. The Eligibility Criteria and the Detailed Procedure will be later issued by the Finance Department.

2. Extension of Date for Enrolment to the West Bengal Health Scheme (Health for All)

The State Government has decided to extend the enrolment under the Health for All scheme upto 31.03.2015 for the State Government Employees and Government Pensioners. The time extension will provide opportunity to those employees and pensioners who could not earlier enrol themselves under the scheme.

3. Introduction of a New Cashless facility for treatment upto Rs. 1 lakh under the Health for All Scheme

The State Government has decided to introduce a New Cashless facility under Health for All Scheme up to Rs. 1 lakh for indoor treatment. The enlisted hospitals under the Scheme will now claim the treatment amount upto Rupees one lakh from the State Government. The Detailed Procedure will be later issued by the Finance Department.

The above Memorandum is issued in supersession of all previous Memos issued in this regard and comes into immediate effect.

Sd./- H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal.

No. 2089-FB dated 28.02.2014, Source

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